
    When you make a booking through the service, you enter into an agreement directly with the entity that has added its offer to the service. The identification and contact details of this entity are always indicated in the content of the offer. We enable you to make a booking and conclude an agreement, but we are not a party to this agreement and are not responsible for its performance.

    Lockme ranking

    The room offers available in the service can be sorted by various criteria:

    • recommended,
    • most recent,
    • number of reviews,

    It is up to you to decide which criterion the offers are sorted by.

    If offers are sorted by the ‘recommended’ criterion, the order in the list is decided by our proprietary algorithm - the Lockme ranking.

    The Lockme ranking is based on opinions given by users of the service, taking into account the following criteria:

    1. overall rating,
    2. specific ratings (customer service, interior),
    3. date of visit,
    4. the rating histogram of the respective user,
    5. whether the user in question has made a booking through Lockme,
    6. whether the review is from a verified user (only in the following countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Croatia, Ireland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Malta, Sweden, Bulgaria),
    7. whether the review is accompanied by a photo,

    Taking the above criteria into account, the ranking determines the overall value of the offer, which is updated once a day. This overall value determines the order of the offer in the list - offers are displayed from the highest to the lowest overall value.

    The ranking does not take into account archived reviews, reviews that have been added more than 90 days after the offer has been concluded, reviews that have been marked as restricted in accordance with the procedure set out in the terms and conditions, and reviews from people in such a relationship with the provider that undermine the objective nature of the review (see terms and conditions for details).


    Offers presented on the site can be distinguished by graphic designations:

    • Lockme partner - this means that within a given offer you can make a booking through the service,
    • Special offer / promotion - this means that within a given offer there is an opportunity to take advantage of a specific promotion,
    • Premiere - this means that a particular offer is new.

    You will not find sponsored items in the service. This means that no company can buy a promotion within any listing in order to be ranked higher on it.

    Alternative ranking lists

    It may so happen that in some lists, Lockme Partners' offers are presented first. If this is the case, there is always a clear statement to this effect above such a list. However, these are still not sponsored positions - no Partner can purchase a promotion to be displayed higher on any list. The order in the list is determined by general criteria - there is simply a distinction between offers from Lockme Partners and offers from entities that are not Lockme Partners.


    In many places of our website, you will find suggestions for offers that may be of potential interest to you. Such a module always has a headline indicating the context of the suggestion (e.g. premieres in your area, rooms with a film atmosphere). The content of such a list for users who are not logged in is random. For logged-in users, it is still random, but offers that the user has already used do not appear.

    User reviews

    Any user who meets the conditions described in the terms and conditions can add a review in the service. There are two types of reviews.

    Verified review

    This is a review that has been submitted by a user who has made a booking and payment through the service. In such a situation, we assume that a given person has used the service he or she is reviewing and his or her opinion is fully reliable. A user cannot give such an opinion if the booking has been canceled. The fact that the service was used is no longer confirmed separately by the service provider. Verified reviews have a greater influence on the ranking. Verified reviews are clearly marked with an appropriate graphic next to each such review.

    A special type of verified review is a review submitted by a verified user. The conditions and procedure for user verification are described in detail in our terms and conditions. Reviews added by a verified user in some countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Croatia, Ireland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Malta, Sweden, Bulgaria) have a greater influence on the ranking.

    Regular review

    This is a review of a user for whom we are not sure that they have used the service they are leaving a review for. A regular review is not visually marked in any special way. The way to distinguish it from a verified opinion is that the latter is visually distinctive. A review can also be added by a verified user. The fact that a user is a verified user does not automatically mean that all reviews added by that user are verified.

    User content

    There is a lot of content (e.g. reviews) available on Lockme that does not originate from us, but is posted by users of the service. We have no obligation to monitor this content, although we may carry out voluntary checks. If you believe that content you see in the service is illegal, you can report it to us. Details are described here.

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