If you believe that any content available on the site is illegal, you can report it to us. The report must contain the information required by the Digital Services Act.
To make it easier for you to prepare the appropriate content of the report, we provide you with a sample form that you can use for this purpose.
You can download the template form here.
The form should be submitted by e-mail to [email protected]
Additional information
If the report does not contain all the required information, we will ask you to complete it. We will only be able to process your application if it contains all the required information.
As a result of considering the report, we may decide, among other things, to block the visibility of the content to which the report relates, or to permanently remove it. We may also consider the report as unfounded and leave the content on the site.
Appeal against the decision
We will notify you by email of the decision made as a result of your application.
You may appeal any of our decisions within 14 days. The appeal may be submitted by email and should include a comprehensive explanation of why you disagree with the decision. You can also assert your rights through legal proceedings.