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Find out answers to our most frequently asked questions. If you don't find answer to your question here, e-mail us at [email protected] and our team will gladly help you.
The system does not automatically mark your room as visited unless you add your opinion to it. If you write an opinion to a room you have selected, it will automatically appear in the list of rooms you have visited, since an opinion on our site is equivalent to a visit, which we are able to verify. If, on the other hand, you do not want to add an opinion for the time being, you will have to mark the room manually.
Both rooms to the visited list and those to the planned list are added in the same way - just log in to the service, go to the profile of the selected room on Lockme and use the "Mark room as visited" or "Add to planned" tab.
Rooms are automatically added to the list of visited rooms only if you give feedback to it. If you would like to add a room to your profile as visited, it must be added manually using the "Mark room as visited" button in the profile of the selected room.
We always send confirmation of the booking and payment to the email from which the order is paid - you do not need to have an account on Lockme to receive such confirmation. In addition, however, information about all orders (archived and upcoming) is in the profile of the logged-in user who has an account with us. It is a good idea to pay attention to whether the order was not made from a different email than usual and to enter the correct email address: typos made when ordering are the most common reason for non-delivery of confirmation email.
Keep in mind that it is important to write us a message from the email in which your Lockme account is set up. If you contact us from a different address, we may send you back to the email you provided when you created your account for verification.
Of course, however, in many cases we will still have to send you back to our contact email to verify the address that is linked to the account of the user reporting the problem. If you have an issue with us that requires a quick response, we will definitely respond faster to an email request. It will also be easier for us to assign it and deal with it accordingly. If your report requires personal information, all the more reason to contact us by email.
You can add the correct hookup at any time - just go to edit your profile on lockme and paste the correct link to your Facebook account. Don't forget to write to us when you do this - we will then check the correctness of the plug-in in real time and restore all the functions of your account.
We NEVER delete any comments. However, reviews may be temporarily hidden. There may be several reasons for their hiding: user account not complying with the terms and conditions, lack of response from the user to an inquiry about the visit, lack of correct verification, hiding pending clarification of a dispute, and many others. Each case can be explained - then write us an email CONFIRMINGLY from the contact email to which your account on Lockme is set up. More on the reasons for hiding reviews can be found under our blog article, which we encourage you to read:
Sure. To do this, you must send us a disposition from the email to which your account is currently pinned. This is very important - even if the two addresses sound very similar, the message MUST be sent from your current email for it to pass verification.
To delete an account, you need to send a verification message to us at [email protected] with a clear instruction to delete the account. It is very important to send the message from the email in which the account is currently established - otherwise we will not be able to delete it.
If you log in using your Facebook profile, the address assigned to your Lockme account is identical to the email address with which your Facebook account is set up.
With a question about the room, you should report directly to the room attendant using the details on the company's business card. This is because we are not privy to whether a room can play for more people than the forks show, or whether it will be a problem to bring a child or pregnant woman to the premises. The staff knows their rooms and they will certainly know everything about them.
If you have any questions about the game, you should contact the company that owns the scenario directly - it is they who set the entry times and only they who decide whether to modify them.
It all depends on the company where you plan to visit. Some of them allow minors to play with the prior consent of their legal guardians, while others allow play only when accompanied by an adult. Your best bet is to ask the staff before you book.
On each room profile, in addition to basic information about the storyline, categories or player limits, you will also find additional filters that will tell you even more about the room. These are completed by the owners of the company, so if you have questions or concerns about them, please contact them directly. The filters relate to the restrictions, warnings and amenities applied to the room. Examples of filters include facilities for the disabled, restrictions for people with claustrophobia, or tell you if you can come to the room with your dog.
In addition to offering rooms typically for children, who are always accompanied by a caregiver or facilitator, some companies allow young children, accompanied by an adult, to play in their scenarios. Such rooms are labeled "Child-friendly room." You should ask beforehand if the content in the room is definitely suitable for a child of a certain age. Avoid situations that can cause misunderstandings, especially in this regard - don't book a horror room knowing that you are going to it with a child, nor come in 6 people for a 5-person room. The child is the same player as the other party participants and should be counted against the limit.
Sure, however, if the venue will have to undergo modifications due to the type of event or you are interested in individual pricing according to your requirements and guidelines, you should contact the owners of the company offering the game within the given scenario.
Lockme is a portal that brings together all escape rooms and handles bookings - we are not a company that owns all available scenarios, as is often mistaken. Each scenario is owned by a different company, whose name appears as part of the business card on Lockme. If you have an inquiry about a specific game, please contact the staff of the room of your choice or the specific company.
Contact the company directly - they may already have their business card, which is missing your room. If you make sure that the company in question is not on Lockme at all, you can also write to them. You can also submit a room to us: just select the search icon (magnifying glass) → Add room or company on the home page.
The company is responsible for the content and information posted on the business card, and we cannot interfere with the content without justification if it does not pertain to compliance with the regulations. If you would like to suggest that, for example, the level of difficulty on Lockme deviates from reality, or have other comments about the content, please write an inquiry directly to the company that owns the scenario. Contact information can be found in the company profile or room business card on Lockme.
In the profile of each existing room you will find a tab "Report a room" - you can use it and inform us that a room est under reconstruction or has been completely closed. We will then verify the information and make changes. We are committed to keeping Lockme as up-to-date as possible and try to verify our database on an ongoing basis, but if we miss something and you notice it, don't hesitate to report it to us - our moderation reviews reports of such rooms on an ongoing basis.
The decision to return or transfer a reservation is made solely by the company where the game was to take place - when you make a reservation, you accept their terms and conditions, and it is up to the staff to decide whether a possible return complies with them. If you send a request to us, it will still have to go to the selected company for verification, which takes considerably longer. In the first instance, you should address such an inquiry directly to the company if you want a quick refund or transfer of your reservation.
As in the case of a full refund, you should first make such a request to the company where the game took place. Companies have the option to refund part of the funds for the order.
Unpaid orders will cancel themselves after 15 minutes. Wait a while - your appointment will be available again after that time and you can book it the same way. You can also renew the same order via the link included in the order summary you previously received by email.
Booking a room on Lockme is done only by paying for the order online. Booking a game with on-site cash payment can only be done by contacting the selected company directly. Contact information can be found in the business card of each room on Lockme.
We do not accept payments other than online or Lockme voucher. The Groupon belongs to the specific company that put it up for sale, and it is the company you should contact directly.
No. If you want to book a game by email, you must apply directly to the company. If you write to us about this, we will have to send you back, and this will make the email booking process longer. During this time, someone could occupy your appointment.
Sometimes it happens that the bank does not transfer us the funds for the reservation immediately, but with a slight delay. Then the system sends an erroneous cancellation message. If you get such a message despite the collection of funds from your account, please contact us as soon as possible. Do not forget to send a confirmation of the transfer to [email protected] - necessarily from the e-mail account you used to place the order.
The condition for completing the reservation by lockme is to pay the given order in full. If - for example - your voucher has a value of PLN 100, and the room costs PLN 120, after uploading the number and security code the system itself will ask you to pay the missing amount. It is not possible to pay the order in cash on the spot - you must pay the difference in the same way, i.e. online. Otherwise, the game reservation will not take place.
According to the terms and conditions, the funds are returned through the same route as placing the order. You will not receive a new voucher, but the same amount will credit your voucher that you have already used.
No - a lockme voucher can ONLY be used to pay for a booking through lockme. It acts as a means of payment that only works for lockme - it cannot be converted to or act as cash.
The voucher regulations inform us of 14 days, but we try to reduce the waiting time to a minimum. The length of waiting time for gift shipping is governed by the process of printing and collecting more orders. If you care about fast shipping, choose the option to send the voucher in pdf form for self-printing - the voucher is sent immediately after payment of the order to the email from which the order was made.
The voucher is not a service performed at the time of ordering, but a form of means of payment, so the only proof of its crediting is the transfer confirmation. An invoice can be issued only at the time the service is realized - so this is done by the company where the game paid for with the voucher was conducted.
We consider each case very individually. There are many factors that affect whether we can extend a given voucher. Contact us by email with the number and security code of your voucher. However, try to meet the deadline on your gift, as we may not be able to extend it when, for example, you notify us a month after the expiration date.
In the "Gift Vouchers" tab visible at the very top of the page, there is a special section where you can enter the voucher number and its security code. The system will then show whether the voucher is still active and how much is left to expire.
In the lower right corner.
We try very hard to keep the offerings visible on Lockme as up-to-date as possible. However, a lot of information depends on the company itself, and some companies forget to update their business card or notify us that they have ceased operations. We verify the offer on Lockme on an ongoing basis, but it may happen that we miss something. In such a case, you can confidently email us at [email protected], and then we will take care of the verification.
You can also use the option to report a room, which we encourage you to do - just select the "Report a room" tab in the business card of the room in question and fill out a short form.
Use the comment submission function, it will then go directly to the moderator handling it. We do not deal with submissions that will be sent via email (spoilers are an exception - since submissions are public, the content of the submission would reveal details about the room).
If you observe behavior that does not comply with our rules and regulations, which are not listed, you can confidently write to us at [email protected] - we will consider each case individually.