Escape room - Nautilus

    Lockme Partner


    Nautilus is an immersive steampunk escape room that invites you on a thrilling journey full of curious inventions, exciting adventures and maybe even magic!... [more]

    2-6 people

    60' minutes



    6 reviews

    Czech Republic: 4th place

    Prague: 4th place

    9 .6 9.6/10 Customer service: 10/10 Interior: 9.8/10 Difficulty according to players: Medium Number of reviews: 6

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    Artur S...
    Artur S...

    710 pts

    204 reviews


    8/7/24 | visit date: 8/3/24

    Artur S... 204 reviews

    An amazeing room, one of the best in Praha which we played during two days. However we don't like the thema of submarine. The last one we played in Poland maked us very confused. This one changed our attitude to the submarine rooms. The scenery is beautiful. It has everything a good adventure room should have. High quality design, very good riddles and excellent effects. Well developed and variable space. Everything from the beginning fits to the thema. The farther we go the better we get. Game Master - very nice girl.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium


    754 pts

    417 reviews

    Bulb bulb bulb

    6/17/23 | visit date: 6/9/23

    Wesall 417 reviews

    Our mission is not that easy. We have to find a temple, steal something valuable and go back... of course by a submarine.
    Puzzles in this room are simple and there is Just a few of them. I was thinking that we could solve more of them. The scenery is beautiful and really breathtaking in some momsnts but I see a big problem with the whole amount of riddles to have a big fun playing Nautilus. In some places we only went somewhere to do 1-2 things and we got back so fast. I didn't feel satisfied with this. But I can recommend this room because of its overall impression

    Nasza misja nie jest taka łatwa. Musimy znaleźć świątynię, ukraść coś cennego i wrócić... oczywiście łodzią podwodną.
    Zagadki w tym pokoju są proste i jest ich zaledwie kilka. Myślałem, że moglibyśmy rozwiązywać ich więcej. Wystrój jest piękny i naprawdę zapiera dech w piersiach w niektórych momentach, ale widzę duży problem z całą ilością zagadek, aby dobrze się bawić grając w Nautilusa. W niektórych miejscach weszliśmy tylko na 1-2 rzeczy i szybko wracaliśmy z powrotem. Nie czułem się z tego powodu usatysfakcjonowany. Ale mogę polecić ten pokój ze względu na ogólne wrażenie.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 7/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Easy

    Review version from Aug 16, 2023:

    Overall rating: 7/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Easy

    Reason for the change: Wprowadzam zmiany w rankingu.

    Review version from Jun 17, 2023:

    Overall rating: 7/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Easy


    767 pts

    306 reviews


    6/5/23 | visit date: 3/20/23

    VooVoo 306 reviews

    From the very beginning, this escape room was supposed to meet expectations due to its high position in the ranking of Prague rooms in TERPECA and recommendations of other groups. The room is beautifully done with attention to detail. The farther the better with a brilliant finale. Logical puzzles, well arranged. Highly recommended.

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium


    807 pts

    570 reviews


    6/17/23 | visit date: 3/20/23

    Q 570 reviews

    One of the best rooms we played in Prague. It has everything a good adventure room (or any escape room) should have - from diverse and engaging riddles to high-quality set design and excellent audiovisual effects. All the above set on the theme of Verne's famous novel, so well prepared that you really flow through the entire game. A must visit!

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium


    178 pts

    28 reviews

    Skvělá atmosféra!

    11/1/24 | visit date: 5/21/23

    Archival rating

    stupka.t 28 reviews

    Když to porovnám s Galactic Pioneers tak tam se mi líbilo víc než zde v Nautilu. Samozřejmě v celkovém žebříčku her, které jsme hráli, je to stále jedna z těch nejlepších. Příběh je dobře vymyšlený, i pobaví. Místnosti jsou krásně vybavené, v ponorce se cítite opravdu jako v kovové ponorce. Flow hry je dobrý, hádanky plynou pěkně za sebou. Akorát si pamatuju, že v jedné místnosti ke konci jsme se zasekli, protože zařízení nefungovalo přesně jak mělo a zbytečně jsme tak přišli o čas. Ale celkově hra působí parádně a pobavíte se. Určitě doporučuju.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 9/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Marek Widz
    Marek Widz

    24 pts

    8 reviews

    Really beautiful room!

    10/31/23 | visit date: 3/23/23

    Archival rating

    Marek Widz 8 reviews

    Absolutely amazing room. It's detailed, it's really enjoyable to play. We were the group of 4, without a lot of experience, but we had so much fun. Really, one of the best room in Prague.

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium


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