Mind Maze

    Lockme partner

    Mind Maze

    The company Mind Maze offers 6 escape rooms. You will have about 360 minutes to finish available escape rooms. [more]

    About company

    The company Mind Maze offers 6 escape rooms. You will have about 360 minutes to finish available escape rooms.

    Praha Balbínova, Czech Republic

    Praha Balbínova

    Balbínova 32, Prague 2, 12000

    Rooms available in department Praha Balbínova

    Escape room - Nautilus


    According to players: Medium
    from CZK 2,190.00


    Praha Opatovická, Czech Republic

    Praha Opatovická

    Opatovická 4, Prague 1, 11000

    Rooms available in department Praha Opatovická

    Escape room - Magic Mirrors

    Magic Mirrors

    According to players: Easy
    from CZK 1,890.00


    Recent reviews


    178 pts

    26 reviews

    Skvělá atmosféra!

    11/1/24 | visit date: 5/21/23

    Archival rating

    stupka.t 26 reviews

    Když to porovnám s Galactic Pioneers tak tam se mi líbilo víc než zde v Nautilu. Samozřejmě v celkovém žebříčku her, které jsme hráli, je to stále jedna z těch nejlepších. Příběh je dobře vymyšlený, i pobaví. Místnosti jsou krásně vybavené, v ponorce se cítite opravdu jako v kovové ponorce. Flow hry je dobrý, hádanky plynou pěkně za sebou. Akorát si pamatuju, že v jedné místnosti ke konci jsme se zasekli, protože zařízení nefungovalo přesně jak mělo a zbytečně jsme tak přišli o čas. Ale celkově hra působí parádně a pobavíte se. Určitě doporučuju.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 9/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium


    178 pts

    26 reviews


    11/1/24 | visit date: 5/21/23

    Archival rating

    stupka.t 26 reviews

    Moc povedená hra. To nejlepší na celé hře je její desing. Skvěle vybavená místnost, nikde neuvidíe kousek bílé zdi. Opravdu se cítíte jako ve vesmírné lodi. Tady není co vytknout. Jednotlivé hádanky pěkně souvisí s prostředním a jsou pěkně rozmanité a různé. Tak jak to má být. Finále je parádní s důrazem na spolupráci. Byli jsme ve 4 takže ideální počet na tuto hru. Doporučuji.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Artur S...
    Artur S...

    710 pts

    202 reviews


    8/7/24 | visit date: 8/3/24

    Artur S... 202 reviews

    An amazeing room, one of the best in Praha which we played during two days. However we don't like the thema of submarine. The last one we played in Poland maked us very confused. This one changed our attitude to the submarine rooms. The scenery is beautiful. It has everything a good adventure room should have. High quality design, very good riddles and excellent effects. Well developed and variable space. Everything from the beginning fits to the thema. The farther we go the better we get. Game Master - very nice girl.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Artur S...
    Artur S...

    710 pts

    202 reviews

    Cosmic room

    8/7/24 | visit date: 8/3/24

    Artur S... 202 reviews

    This is not my favorite theme, which does not change the fact that this room was quite good. I think that only one galaxy room I have plaied earlier was better. We had a lot of work to do and the time was ticking. The room isnt't linear. The puzzles are electronicks and manual. We have stuck on one puzzle and lost several minutes and in the end we dit it accidently... Nice decoration, the room looks like a real space ship. Game Master did his work very well.
    Cosmic room
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Hard


    754 pts

    417 reviews

    One of the best cosmic rooms (and I don't like that theme) :D

    4/22/24 | visit date: 4/21/24

    Wesall 417 reviews

    Musze zacząć od tego, że statki kosmiczne nie należą do tematyk, które lubię. Ostatnio przełamuję swoje niechęci do różnych rzeczy i niektóre z nich udało mi się pokonać (polubiłem więzienne pokoje)!
    Galactic Pioneers to na obecny stan najlepszy kosmiczny pokój, jaki grałem. Ma bardzo dobrze zrobiony wystrój, świetne, logiczne zagadki, dobre wprowadzenie i kilka fajnych efektów. Nasza game masterka Alex bardzo dobrze wprowadziła nas do fabuły.
    Jedynie brakowało więcej efektów, czy to świetlnych, dźwiękowych, czy jakiegoś dymu, wtedy mogłoby być idealnie! :)

    I have to start by saying that spaceships are not topics I like. Recently I have been overcoming my aversions to various things and I managed to overcome some of them (I liked prison rooms)!
    Galactic Pioneers is currently the best space room I've ever played. It has a very well-done design, great logical puzzles, a good introduction and some cool effects. Our game master Alex introduced us to the plot very well.
    The only thing missing was more effects (light, sound or some smoke), then it could have been perfect! :)
    One of the best cosmic rooms (and I don't like that theme) :D
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Review version from Aug 1, 2024:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Reason for the change: Zmiana rankingu ocen.

    Review version from Apr 22, 2024:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Medium

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