

    Hi, our Escape Game group is from Ostrava, so if you want to know any information and recommendations about games in Ostrava and surrounding cities let me kn... [more]

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    Escape room - Święta

    What a disappointment

    3/1/25 | visit date: 2/22/25

    Trusted review

    Very much like the Nepokój room. I liked the beginning of the room and then it got bad...

    I don't see a reason why would an escape game company make an absolutely same room as they already have? Oh I know why - money.
    They did the game with the same flaws that are present in the previously mentioned room.
    The room is very basic. Almost no electronics, 10+ numeric padlocks. Just wow. Do you know there are other types of puzzles than numeric padlocks over and over? Very cheap and poor.

    Yeah of course it's bussines like any other but in other games you can see the hard work of creators. Not here. Just a bunch of basic puzzles thrown in the room. And yes - having the extreme amount of numeric padlocks ends up confusing players which numbers goes where. And sometimes you end up opening some locks by mistake. Bam. Lots of numbers + lots of numeric padlocks. Yes this game is about putting random numbers you spot into random locks and hoping this fits. No chronological order, no thoughtful gameplan. And this is probably the creators way to make the game "hard".

    Equipment of the room is very basic, very cheap. Similar to games 10 years back. 380 PLN for this game is ridiculous compared to other highly equipped games that are much cheaper.

    Oh and the beginning of the game was unprepared as we were told "Why didn't you read the rules at the start and did exactly what was said there?". Well because there was no paper with the rules at the start. It would be nice if you go check it first before the game.

    The room is extremely cold during winter time. Another proof they don't want to invest in the room a single penny. If you do not have the means to offer the room in playable conditions then close it for the winter time. But no... And that tiny heater in one room is really not gonna fix this. My hands were freezing in the end. If you want to catch a cold go play this game.

    I can understand that this game is about atmosphere and that the gamemaster is playing a "role" but if you see players struggling a lot then maybe it's time to leave the role for a bit and start helping more - it is called an individual approach - observing and acting accordingly. Not just stick to your script and not be able to leave it no matter what.

    Go play Haunted House and Haunted House 2: Poltergeist to see how a good horror game is done.

    Not going to visit any more games from this company.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 4/10

    Customer service: 4/10

    Interior: 2/10

    Difficulty: Very hard

    Escape room - Niepokój


    2/24/25 | visit date: 2/22/25

    Trusted review

    Where to start...

    1. Up to this day the game is offered in English so I expect the game to be in English. Well I was mistaken. Almost every text or a hint in the game is in Polish. Why? Funny thing is that the gamemaster called me before the game saying that if its okay the intro to be in Polish due to technical problems and that the game is in English. Lie again. Not to mention that the gamemaster was talking in Polish at the start. In these days of AI how hard is it to translate few texts and put them in the game? Why offer the game in English then? You better remove that option from the game here on Lockme right now unless you want me to report it.
    2. The room is very cold in the winter. I'd expect to get an email saying we should get warm clothes. The only info I got was that I can get dirty.
    3. Constantly tipping over the rocks on the floor. I almost fell 3 times because the floor is uneven and the tiles are big and reaching out. Definitely not a safe place to play a game. Especially when you are in constant darkness all the time.
    4. The game itself is very poor and cheap. Barely any electronic devices, no high-tech. Just padlocks and old furniture. Seemed like a game from 2011.
    5. Just a bunch of puzzles thrown in the room. No order. No linearity. If this is how you make the game "hard" then you succeded but this kills the flow of the game and puzzles fluently following one another.
    6. I liked the start of the game I have to tell and the atmosphere felt really good at the start but then it got boring and this is the first room we havent escaped after playing 80 escape games. Mainly because of the language barrier and the constant darkness.
    7. Puzzles in this game were secondary. This room focuses primarly on the atmosphere and that didn't fit.
    8. No chat after the game. I was amazed how gamemaster just said "thank you" after the game and that was it. Then just looked at us until we left. Basically telling us that we should go already. Ridiculous.

    Conclusion: The game seems rushed, cheap and poor. Someone just said "lets make a good atmosphere game" but lets not focus on the puzzles. 340 PLN for this? Definitely not a good value for the money. Didnt feel good. Didnt feel welcome. The gamemaster wasnt good. Felt like we are bothering them. Remove the English option and save yourself the trouble from future foreign gamers.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 4/10

    Customer service: 1/10

    Interior: 4/10

    Difficulty: Very hard

    Escape room - Wrota Czasu - Egipt
    Wrota Czasu - Egipt

    Decent game

    1/10/25 | visit date: 10/30/22

    Archival rating

    If there is one theme that I hate when playing Escape Games it's the Egypt/Ancient Rome or something about lost civilization.

    Let me tell you why. Because it is always about moving some statues and solving some symbol puzzles. And that is very hard to match the creator ideas with the players' mindesets. Usually you get stuck at some point. Because there are no digits, there are no letters because of the Ancient Rome or Egypt setting. So usually these types of games are only about symbols, movements, shapes and that is very hard to make a good game only using these.

    I am not saying the game is bad. I think TickTack made a good job here. Yeah the game is past it's glory but still a decent one. It is just my personal antipathy towards these types of games where there is sand everywhere and pyramid walls and that's it.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 6/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 6/10

    Difficulty: Hard

    Escape room - Mission #53 - First police case
    Mission #53 - First police case

    Ruce vzhůru!

    1/9/25 | visit date: 5/20/23

    Archival rating

    V rámci detektivního tématu moc pěkně zpracované. Hádanky dobře odsýpají, hra svižně plyne. Hádanky jsou kombinace modernějších prvků se staršími, ale ve výsledku příjemný zážitek. Určitě doporučuji. Našlo se několik originálních prvků, ale některé naopak zbytečně složité a na dovednost náročné.
    We escaped the room
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 8/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Escape room - Loupež v Casinu
    Loupež v Casinu

    Dobrá hra

    1/8/25 | visit date: 10/18/21

    Archival rating

    Jedna z naších prvních her, kterou jsme hráli.

    Ano, hra je prostě udělaná trochu na levno, nejsou zde žádné moderní prvky, ale víte co? Ani nejsou třeba. Hra je dobrá, má dobrý flow, funguje, bylo tam několik překvapivých pěkných prvků takže proč ne.

    Prostředí kasína funguje skvěle, takže za mě palec nahoru, bavili jsme se dobře a vím, že se nám hodně tehdy líbilo.

    Takže se těšíme na další hry od Exit Ostrava.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 7/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Escape room - Outlast Escape
    Outlast Escape

    Neurazí nenadchne

    1/8/25 | visit date: 10/13/22

    Archival rating

    Klasická starší únikovka, nečekejte žádné novoty. Prostě jedna z těch starších her první generace. Ale někdy je fajn si i takovou zahrát, a upustit od těch nových s elektronikou. Proč ne, nevadí mi takové hry a rád si občas takovou zahraju. Neurazdí, nenadchne. Prostě průměr.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 6/10

    Customer service: 8/10

    Interior: 6/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Escape room - Haunted House 2: Poltergeist
    Haunted House 2: Poltergeist

    Wow ještě teď se třepu!

    1/8/25 | visit date: 5/20/23

    Archival rating

    Fakt si doteďka pamatuju pocity, které jsem při hře měl. Strašidelnější hru jsem zatím nehrál a mám velké obavy jestli vůbec ji někdy něco přebije. Hra jako taková se neskládá z velkého počtu hádanek, jde zde především o atmosféru, která ve hře panuje. Hodně malé detaily dotváří perfektní dojem a stoprocentní efekt na hráče. Takhle má vypadat hororová hra. Tady není co vytknout. Nechci spoilovat, ale hra obsahuje opravdu originální prvky, se kterými se jinde težko setkáte.

    Znovu bych si takovou hru rád zahrál!
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Escape room - School of Magic
    School of Magic


    1/8/25 | visit date: 12/23/21

    Archival rating

    Moc pěkná hra. Zámečky už moc nehledejte, hra je plně elektronizovaná tak jak se patří na dnešní dobu. Pěkně vybavená, obsahuje originální prvky. Pamatuji si, že jsme ji hráli docela čerstvě po otevření (pár měsíců?) a vše fungovalo a bylo vyladěné a v pořádku. Spolu s Artušem se nám hra od Escape Game Ostrava líbila nejvíce. Jen tak dál a už se těšíme na Džungli a na Egypt v tomto roce!
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 9/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Medium

    Escape room - War Mystery of the Officer
    War Mystery of the Officer


    1/7/25 | visit date: 12/2/23

    Archival rating

    Klasická hra prví generace. Zámečky. Ale něco na tom je si po několika moderních hrách s elektronikou občas zahrát takovou starší hru. Alespoň já to tak mám, že si rád občas zahraju nějakou starší hru, kde žádná elektronia není, vše je manuální a tahle hra je přesně takovou hrou. Všechno krásně navazuje, hra svižně odsýpá a pokud máte něco odehráno tak jste za chvíli na konci. Nám se hra moc líbila ačkoliv je to fakt klasika. Když nebudete mít přehnaná očekávání tak nemůžete být zklamáni. Určitě fajn ji vzít při jednom s ostatními hrami od Escape Game Pardubice.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 7/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 7/10

    Difficulty: Easy

    Escape room - Útěk z cely
    Útěk z cely

    Fajn příjemná hra v rámci detektivních her

    1/6/25 | visit date: 12/2/23

    Archival rating

    Klasická detektivní hra, kdy se snažíte zjistit co se vlastně stalo. Úplně toto téma nepatří mezi mé oblibené Escape Gamesy, ale hra je pekně udělaná, s netradičníma rekvizitama a hádankama, které jsme předtím nikde neviděli. Jedna z těch lepších her z policejního tématu. Už to byla třetí hra toho dne tak jsme se trochu zasekávali, ale obsluha vždycky nakopla a pomohla.
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Medium

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