Time Machine-The Secret of Leonardo
Lockme Partner
Witch rituals, forbidden spells and demonic curses – is what you will have to face in this tale filled with adventure and magic, where you will have to save... [more]
2-4 people
75' minutes
50 reviews
Poland: 89th place
Wroclaw: 18th place
Witch rituals, forbidden spells and demonic curses – is what you will have to face in this tale filled with adventure and magic, where you will have to save a princess from the “Ritual of Transformation”, that will, as a result, turn her into a Wicked Witch.
One night during a horrific storm the witches kidnapped a beautiful princess, the rightful heir to the throne in order to perform their age-old “Ritual of Transformation”. A thousand year old tradition that transforms royal-blooded women into loyal servants of the Kingdom of Darkness...A Wicked Witch!
The ceremony will take place during today’s full moon and you are the only one who can prevent it and heroically save the princess from becoming a despicable monster!
This will, by far, be one of the most difficult tasks you will have to face in your life, because the path to saving the princess begins with outsmarting the most vile witch of them all and you just so happen to stumble across her cottage...
“The Book of Magic – The Witch’s Spell” is an escape room in the popular “cube” formula, so on one hand the game takes place in one room, but on the other, it is filled with surprising puzzles and takes place in a fabulous narrative with the voice-over done by Barbara Kurdej-Szatan and Andrzej Grabowski.
Air-conditioned room
Game without actor
Card payment on visit
Not for people with arachnophobia
You can buy Escape Tales here
Full Monitoring
Full contact with the game master
Safety button
Emergency lighting
Only low voltage within the player's range
Emergency door opening system
Exit19.pl - Ofiar Oświęcimskich 17
From PLN 291.00
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