

    The company LostExit offers 2 escape rooms. You will have about 160 minutes to finish available escape rooms. [more]

    About company

    The company LostExit offers 2 escape rooms. You will have about 160 minutes to finish available escape rooms.

    Praha, Czech Republic


    Korunní 859/18, Praha 2 - Vinohrady

    Rooms available in department Praha

    Recent reviews

    Ada P. 1
    Ada P. 1

    150 pts

    51 reviews

    Very surprising room

    11/17/24 | visit date: 10/26/24

    Ada P. 1 51 reviews

    We didn't expect anything like this. The room surprised us very positively.
    A lot of interesting puzzles and unconventional solutions.
    The plot of the room is coherent from beginning to end. We had a great time.
    The game master suits the atmosphere :)
    Room visited with:
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 9/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Hard


    754 pts

    417 reviews

    School of secrets

    4/22/24 | visit date: 4/20/24

    Wesall 417 reviews

    Bardzo dziwna szkoła... W pozytywnym tego słowa znaczeniu. Zagadki były nieproste i było ich ogromnie dużo! Miały swój charakterystyczny styl, bardzo powiązany ze szkołą. Fabuła ciekawie poprowadzona. Trzeba uważać, by nie grać tej gry wieczorem po dniu pełnym emocji, bo zmęczenie może dawać w kość. Polecam zobaczyć szkołę! :)

    A very strange school... In a positive sense of the word. The puzzles were not easy and there were a lot of them! They had their own distinctive style, very related to the school. The plot is interesting. You have to be careful not to play this game in the evening after a day full of emotions, because it can be exhausting. I recommend seeing the school! :)
    School of secrets
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 7/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Hard

    Review version from Jun 25, 2024:

    Overall rating: 7/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Hard

    Reason for the change: zmiana skali

    Review version from Apr 22, 2024:

    Overall rating: 7/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Hard


    754 pts

    417 reviews

    Great movie

    4/22/24 | visit date: 4/20/24

    Wesall 417 reviews

    Kino Usvit nie należy do prostych pokoi. Nam jednak poszło całkiem sprawnie i bez podpowiedzi. Wystrój jest przestarzały, ale podkreśla to styl miejsca, w którym gramy. Dość często w opiniach padało słowo "retro" i kompletnie się z tym zgadzam. Nasz mistrz gry sympatyczny, licznik czasu oryginalny i ciekawa końcówka wizyty w kinie. :)

    The Usvit cinema is not a simple room. However, it went quite smoothly for us and without any hints. The decor is outdated, but it highlights the style of the place where we play. The word "vintage" was mentioned quite often in the reviews and I completely agree with it. Our game master is nice, the timer is original and there is an interesting end of our the visit in the cinema. :)
    Great movie
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Hard

    Review version from Aug 9, 2024:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Hard

    Reason for the change: zmiana rankingu.

    Review version from May 4, 2024:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Hard

    Reason for the change: zasługuje. ;)

    Review version from Apr 22, 2024:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Hard


    148 pts

    3 reviews

    Top experience

    2/3/24 | visit date: 2/3/24

    skoti 3 reviews

    I think the best room I've been in so far. It is decorated extremely realistically and is in fantastic condition.
    The atmosphere introduced in the room is amazing. It doesn't feel at all like it's fake, it's very easy to get into the story presented. The number of rooms takes you out of the blue, you can never detect another gimmick. The hint system is also amazing and the staff are very friendly.

    Absolutely worth the price and a must-have to visit in Prague!
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Hard

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