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Scania - ranking and reviews of Escape room. There are 21 rooms with varying difficulty and theme. Most popular room category in Scania is narrative. Second most popular type of room is criminal. Other categories available here are thriller, adventure, historical, action. Check 11 reviews from our users to find perfect room for yourself. With rooms taking 60 to 90 minutes it is surely place worth visiting. - Find out how our ranking works
Discover unique stories, play engaging scenarios and develop your creativity – Scania is a place where city games combine cooperation and exciting moments. Whether you are looking for interesting plot twists, unforgettable emotions or intellectually stimulating challenges, Scania will meet your expectations.
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Explore the unknown in Skåne with a visit to an escape room where you'll not only face challenges that require thought and teamwork, but also be tasked with solving the secret of the old castle. Choose from different themes - ranging from historical adventures to heartbreaking thrillers, and navigate through puzzles and clues that take you deeper into the castle's past. Whatever your level of experience, there's something for everyone. Venture into the unknown, book your experience, and get ready for an adventure you won't soon forget. Discover the castle's secret and free its spirits to triumph.