Strange School

    Strange School

    The room Strange School is an escape room for 2-6 players. Play time is 80 minutes. [more]

    2-6 people

    80' minutes



    4 reviews

    Czech Republic: 12th place

    Prague: 11th place

    8/10 Customer service: 9.3/10 Interior: 8.7/10 Difficulty according to players: Hard Number of reviews: 4

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    754 pts

    384 reviews

    School of secrets

    4/22/24 | visit date: 4/20/24

    Wesall 384 reviews

    Bardzo dziwna szkoła... W pozytywnym tego słowa znaczeniu. Zagadki były nieproste i było ich ogromnie dużo! Miały swój charakterystyczny styl, bardzo powiązany ze szkołą. Fabuła ciekawie poprowadzona. Trzeba uważać, by nie grać tej gry wieczorem po dniu pełnym emocji, bo zmęczenie może dawać w kość. Polecam zobaczyć szkołę! :)

    A very strange school... In a positive sense of the word. The puzzles were not easy and there were a lot of them! They had their own distinctive style, very related to the school. The plot is interesting. You have to be careful not to play this game in the evening after a day full of emotions, because it can be exhausting. I recommend seeing the school! :)
    School of secrets School of secrets
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 7/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Hard

    Review version from Jun 25, 2024:

    Overall rating: 7/10

    Customer service: 9/10

    Interior: 8/10

    Difficulty: Hard

    Reason for the change: zmiana skali

    Review version from Apr 22, 2024:

    Overall rating: 8/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 9/10

    Difficulty: Hard


    767 pts

    304 reviews


    6/5/23 | visit date: 3/20/23

    VooVoo 304 reviews

    Extremely atmospheric escape room with a large number and variety of puzzles. The beginning of the game is calm, almost static, but it develops and the ending of this story it is definitely worth knowing. The decor fits the plot very well with interesting set design of the school straight from Czechoslovakia time. The logic of the game and its playability were the highlights of this escape room. Great Game Master!
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium


    807 pts

    541 reviews


    6/17/23 | visit date: 3/20/23

    Q 541 reviews

    Exquisite escape room. Even though the set design is the most classic of all the escape rooms we played in Prague, it seems like this old fashion style is crucial here. Every part of the game, including every decor and every riddle, is well-thought-out and perfectly matches the plot. The latter is about - generally speaking - unraveling the mystery of a certain Czechoslovak school from the late 50s, hidden for decades... A very methodical arrangement of riddles, a large number of them. An escape room with an atmosphere and a plot that many could envy. One of the best in Prague, highly recommended!
    Recently visited rooms:

    Overall rating: 10/10

    Customer service: 10/10

    Interior: 10/10

    Difficulty: Medium


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