Lockme Partner
Relaxing on the beach of the paradise island, after completing the training, you have been kidnapped by pirates who want to use your newly learned skills to... [more]
2-4 people
60' minutes
159 reviews
Poland: 433rd place
Wroclaw: 48th place
Relaxing on the beach of the paradise island, after completing the training, you have been kidnapped by pirates who want to use your newly learned skills to conquer all the waters in the world. When the pirates arrive at the nearest port, you will have the only opportunity to bypass all the pirate blockades and traps and safely leave their ship!
Game without actor
Dimness in room
Full Monitoring
Full contact with the game master
Safety key
Only low voltage within the player's range
Antibacterial gel available
Gloves available
Disinfected rooms
Limited contact with other groups
Below you will find current special offers. Their rules may vary, so you will find out the final price for your booking at the last stage of the basket. If there were other special offers in effect here within the last 30 days that are no longer available you will find the information below.
Zniżka dla grup dwuosobowych
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 67, Wejście A, piętro II, 50-077 Wrocław
From PLN 80.00
for a group!
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