Currently, in Poland, There are 10 special offers waiting for you. Check what discount you can get or what special room can you visit. Check this tab from Poland more often to get the best deals. By clicking the book button next to the special offer, you will instantly book a room in the best escape rooms at an attractive price
Od teraz, każdy czwartek to dzień studentów w Mystery Express!
Zniżka -15% jest udzielana na miejscu za okazaniem legitymacji studenckiej. Jeśli zapłaciłeś całość, zwrot odbędzie się w dniu rezerwacji. Promocje nie łączą się ze sobą.
Valid from 10/4/23
to 1/1/26
During this special offer the room is available in its special version
20% rabatu po 22:00
For the last entries from Monday to Thursday and Sunday (all after 22:00) there is a special offer: 20% discount. The discount is granted on the spot with the password: "cheaper at night". If you have paid in full, your refund will be made on the day of booking.
*Promotions do not combine with each other and other special offers.
Valid from 8/1/22
to 1/28/27
During this special offer the room is available in its special version
Solenizant nie płaci
If you have a birthday you can come with a group and as the birthday boy or girl play in the room for free. If you come in 2 people and one of the two of you has a birthday we will deduct PLN 30 from the room value. All you need to do is show a document that confirms this. The discount is granted on the spot. Promotions cannot be combined with each other. The maximum discount is 60 PLN - for 2 or more birthday parties.
Valid from 8/16/22
to 6/1/28
During this special offer the room is available in its special version
Book 2,3,4,5 puzzle rooms for the same day and claim a discount.
The discount is given on the spot with the password: 'multi-pack'. If you have paid in full, reimbursement will take place on the day of booking. When booking 2 rooms: 20% discount on the cheapest room. When booking 3 rooms: 50% discount on the cheapest room. When booking 4 and 5 rooms: the cheapest room for free. The promotion applies to one team of participants playing on the same day: one room, then a second, third etc. It cannot be two or more teams playing more than one room at the same time.
*Promotion is valid from Monday to Sunday (excluding Saturday).
**Promotion cannot be combined with other promotions
***Promotion applies to individual customers
Valid from 7/17/23
to 1/12/28
During this special offer the room is available in its special version
Wiosenna Środa -15%
Przywitaj wiosnę razem z nami!
W każdą środę do końca wiosny ciesz się wyjątkową promocją — 15% rabatu na grę!
Zrób sobie mały prezent i poczuj powiew świeżości.
Zniżka jest udzielana na miejscu na hasło: "wiosna idzie". Jeśli zapłaciłeś całość, zwrot odbędzie się w dniu rezerwacji.
Nie przegap — wiosna nie czeka! 🌷
Valid from 3/19/25
to 5/31/25
Within this special offer the price of each visit will be reduced by PLN 1.00
Urodzinowa zniżka
Każdemu solenizantowi dajemy 30 zł zniżki na zabawę w naszym escape roomie przy okazaniu dokumentu potwierdzającego datę urodzenia
Zniżka jest udzielana na miejscu. Promocje nie łączą się ze sobą.
Valid from 3/18/25
to 3/18/27
During this special offer the room is available in its special version
20% discount at 9 AM
20% discount from Monday to Thursday and Sunday for the entrance to the escape room at 09:00. (Does not apply to the Warsaw Uprising room). The discount is given on the spot with the password: "cheaper in the morning".
* If you have paid in full, the 20% refund will take place on the day of your reservation
**Promotions do not combine with each other and other special offers.
Valid from 2/26/23
to 10/9/26
During this special offer the room is available in its special version
10% discount on Sunday until 16
For all rooms (except Warsaw Uprising) 10% discount on Sunday, entries until 4pm.
Add a comment to your booking: ‘cheap Sunday’ or say it on the spot and you will get a 10% discount off the list price.
The discount is given on the spot. If you have paid in full online, a refund will be given on site.
**Promotions do not combine with each other or with other special offers.
*** Promotion applies to individual customers
Translated with (free version)
Valid from 8/27/24
to 8/27/28
During this special offer the room is available in its special version
15% discount pupils and students
15 percent discount on the game from Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 17:01 inclusive. Applies to rooms: Crime on Canvas and Nazi Gold.
Offer for groups of pupils and students. All participants except one player (e.g., a parent) must show a valid school or student ID on site (there may be mixed groups of students and pupils) Promotion for individual customers, does not combine with other promotions. Settlement of the discount is made on the spot, upon arrival at the Escape Room game.
*Promotions do not combine with each other and other special offers.
** Discount is not valid on public holidays.
Valid from 1/18/24
to 1/17/29
During this special offer the room is available in its special version
Sex Room for 2 people for 200 zł or 260 zł
Sex room for 2 people for PLN 200 from Monday to Thursday. Sex room for PLN 260 for 2 people on Fridays and Sundays and holidays. Promotions do not combine with each other. The discount is given on the spot with the slogan: ‘Cheaper for 2’. If you have paid in full, a refund will be made on the day of booking.
* Promotions do not combine with each other or with other special offers.
** The discount for 2 is not valid on public holidays and Valentine's Day, which fall from Monday to Thursday.
Valid from 7/31/22
to 12/31/27
During this special offer the room is available in its special version