You were born and raised at the foot of Black Castle. The abandoned stronghold was once the main headquarter of King Arthur. The chambers of this place used... [more]
2-5 people
60' minutes
395 reviews
You were born and raised at the foot of Black Castle. The abandoned stronghold was once the main headquarter of King Arthur. The chambers of this place used to be filled from bottom to top with war spoils, valuable relics and the treasury was flooding with precious ores. Every day the corridors were full of nobles, knights, overseas merchants and all kinds of kingdom’s advisors, strategists and ordinary henchmen.
You don’t remember the glory days of the kingdom. After the murder of the ruler the fortress was drown in chaos. Magicians out of concern for the good of the royal family sealed Black Castle with a mighty magic spell but the angry and greedy mob had already managed to plunder most of the stronghold’s wealth while entrance to the castle was buried for ages during unfortunate battles.
All that was left was a bunch of spider webs and an echo of the past glory. It would stay in this condition if not for local miners who – by accident, found an abandoned shaft that led straight to the Black Castle. Frightened by their discovery, miners ran away and notified the city council which after a short discussion called... You!
To your surprise, the council says there’s still something left in the castle... The legendary and mighty sword – Excalibur which after the assassination of the king was sealed for ages in the stone statue. It’s a symbol of power held by the royal family and it cannot fall into the wrong hands. The order is clear – you must find King Arthur’s sword.
The problem is – rumours travel very quickly and the trace of the ancient sword was already picked up by spies’ form neighbouring country and they’ll possess the knowledge needed to retrieve it any day now. To get the upper hand you have to use the passage discovered by the miners.
Despite the upcoming storm you climb among mountain cliffs until you reach the entrance of the castle. Finally, you could help rebuild your kingdom. Will you obtain the sword?
*Legend of the Sword is a Warsaw city version of Escape Room built in Bydgoszcz with the same title which holds a number 1 position in the polish LockMe.pl ranking since 14.09.2017
Air-conditioned room
Game without actor
Card payment on visit
Full Monitoring
Full contact with the game master
Always open doors
Safety button
Emergency lighting
Only low voltage within the player's range
Antibacterial gel available
Gloves available
Disinfected rooms
Jagiellońska 88N, hala 30U, 2. piętro
03-215 Warszawa
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