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ER Champ
Do you want to face up uncompromising and bloodthirsty Price of Transylvania? Do you want to confront with cruel Vampire, whom only desire is fresh dose of b... [more]
2-6 people
60' minutes
135 reviews
PRICE: 30 PLN per person if there are 4-7 players in your team
44 PLN per person if there are only 2 players in your team
33 PLN per person if there are only 3 players in your team
Monday - Friday: 12:00 - 21:00
Saturday - Sunday: 10:30 - 21:00
ATTENTION: reservations in advance are required
Gamescape Sp. z o.o.
Kościuszki 74
30 -114 Kraków
NIP (tax identification number): PL6751584536
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