Have you ever wondered if your favorite type of escape room can say something about your personality? Does who you are affect the choices you make when it comes to escape rooms? Perhaps it has nothing to do with each other. Perhaps...
Probably each of us at least once in our lives was bored enough to wander into the depths of the Internet and solve tests titled "What kind of bread are you?" (for the curious ones, I was sourdough rye bread). If you are bored right now and would like to find out what category of escape rooms fits your personality, then this test is for you.
As many people, so many tastes - there is no room for discussion here. It is clear that tastes influence choices too. But how about a person's overall personality? Do specific predispositions influence which escape rooms we choose? If we were an escape room, would it be one that suits us as players?
The following test is a humor article and you don't have to take it seriously, as it contains no psychologically proven values. Just like the test about the type of bread.
How many bold answers did you mark? Count the bold YES or NO answers and then compare them with the scale at the end of the test.
- Have you ever screamed to the sound of a puzzle opening in a room, even if it wasn’t a scary room? YES/NO
- Do you like rooms that require interaction with an actor? YES/NO
- Are you able to cancel a visit to a room knowing there is an actor inside? YES/NO
- Do you mind interacting with an actor who is not there to scare you, but to guide the group through the storyline and/or help the players in some way? YES/NO
- Do you have a problem with being the first to enter a new room? YES/NO
- Have you ever had a problem solving a puzzle because of being so scared? YES/NO
- Do you like scenarios that require splitting the group? YES/NO
- Are there taboo topics that have ever embarrassed you while playing in an escape room? E.g. religious themes, murder depicted in a realistic way or the occult? YES/NO
- Does the darkness in the room make you feel anxious, regardless of the room's subject matter? YES/NO
- Do you like jumpscares? YES/NO
- Do you like horror houses? YES/NO
- Can spooky elements in a room make you unable to focus on admiring the decor? YES/NO
- Are you able to travel to a very distant city just to visit an extremely scary horror room? YES/NO
Room for children: 12-13 points
You are a person who knows how to set your boundaries and is meticulous in guarding them. Your personality can be described as colorful: you are open-minded, although you have days that you would like to take a break from the rest of the world. You value security and peace of mind, which are fundamental needs for you. You like to have everything planned out and know what will happen to you. You feel most secure in a large group where you can remain somewhat anonymous. You don't like difficult decisions and would most like someone to make them for you. However, you rise to the occasion when necessary.
Adventurous: 10-11 points
You like to explore new things that are within your sphere of interest. However, there are spheres that you look at with detachment and distrust, but your general attitude toward new things is friendly. At the same time, you have your comfort zones to which you like to return. Depending on your mood, you choose familiar solutions, but there are times when you will try to solve a problem differently than usual. Nevertheless, you are curious about the world and quickly find common ground with other people with similar tastes. Sometimes you succeed in something by accident, but you feel more comfortable knowing how something worked. You get frustrated quickly, but you forget about it just as quickly.
Criminal: 7-9 points
Curiosity is your middle name. When faced with problems, you choose new solutions rather than the ones you know. You ask questions yourself and seek answers. You are not discouraged by a minor failure - you just do it a second time, only differently. You enjoy contact with other people, but on your own terms. You know how to work together and happen to be a leader, although it is not a regular role. You often step outside your comfort zone and establish patterns to discover new experiences. However, you are able to use previously accumulated resources. You happen to analyze what you already have in order to move forward in some way - self-reflection doesn't take you long, but you need it.
Thriller: 4-6 points
You love to push your own boundaries and you're not ashamed of it - but you do it gradually, in small steps. You easily find your way through difficult situations, even if you think otherwise. You are eager to help others if someone needs it. You share your experience willingly and are able to listen carefully to the other person. You know that cooperation is very important, but sometimes you take the lead, leaving the others behind. You think quickly and act quickly - sometimes in reverse order. Increased intellectual activity is your need.
Horror: 0-3 points
Boundaries for you do not exist - both in escape rooms and in life. You are comfortable as a team leader and are willing and good at dividing tasks. You are an individualist - although you enjoy interacting with people, you have moments when you don't care about their opinion. You are focused on self-development and this is important to you. Pressure has a motivating effect on you.
Does this test work at all? I tested it on myself and the result 100% reflects my attitude to the world (thriller). So there is a pretty good chance that it will work for you in some way, too.
PS. In the "What kind of pizza are you?" test, Quattro Formagi came out for me.