Ho ho ho, Christmas is coming! If you want to make an unusual gift, book an escape room and take part in the Mystery Bag contest. If you guess the contents of the Christmas bag, you will win its contents worth 1000-1500 PLN. How to take part? Check it out!
Table of contents
The Mystery Package is back
The Mystery Package is back - this year in a Christmas version! This is the 4th edition of our annual contest. In previous years, you could win games, a camera, a Kanken backpack, a Chromecast, a Kindle ebook reader and many other accessories!

This year, the Mystery Package has been taken over by Santa Claus. Will you be able to guess what he hid from the gift bag and win all its contents?

The contest runs from November 4th at 12:00 until December 1st, 2024 at the end of the day. We will announce the results on December 6th on our Facebook and Instagram, as well as here - in a lockme blog article.
How to participate?
First, on our site, find an escape room where you want to play together with your team. Chosen one? Great! The next step is to choose a date and add your reservation to the shopping cart. Once you're in the shopping cart, complete your information and in the space provided, answer the question about what you think is in the Christmas Mystery Package.
Your vote will begin to count when you pay for the reservation. Each new reservation is another chance to cast your vote and win. Remember, if you cancel your reservation, your vote will be canceled.
Choosing the winner - what is worth knowing?
The better and more accurately you describe the contents of the package, the greater the chance of winning. In the contest, it is not only the time of casting a vote that counts, but also the number of guessed items and detail. If there are two similar votes, both of which correctly predict the item in the Parcel, but only one gives the color or brand - the better described vote will score more points.
In retrospect, we can say that such nuances have a huge impact on the result!
Regulations of the contest
§1 Organizer of the contest
The contest "Mystery Package 2024 Christmas is coming!", hereinafter referred to as the contest, is organized by Lockme sp. z o.o. with its headquarters in Wrocław, ul. Ofiar Oświęcimskich 17, 50-069 Wrocław, hereinafter referred to as Lockme.
§2 Duration of the contest
The contest runs from November 4, 2024 to December 1, 2024 until the end of the day.
§3 Contest rules
Any person of legal age may participate in the contest.
The contest participant cannot be a person who is:
- a member of the organizer's immediate family,
- an employee of the organizer,
- connected with the organizer by a contract of mandate, contract for work, contract for cooperation, contract for services or in any other way cooperates with the organizer.
Members of the immediate family are considered to be:
- Ascendants,
- Descendants,
- Siblings,
- Spouse,
- A person in an adoption relationship.
In order to participate in the contest, during the contest period, one must make a reservation via lock.me to any escape room (Lockme's partner) in Poland, answer the contest question, accept the terms and conditions and agree to the mailing of the newsletter. If the order is canceled, the vote becomes invalid.
§4 Course of the contest
During the duration of the contest, i.e. from November 4, 2024 to December 1, 2024, you must answer the question "What is in the Mystery Parcel, the photo of which is included in the blog post on https://lock.me/pl/blog/tajemnicza-paczka-2024-ida-swieta?".
Photo of the Mystery Parcel

In order to answer the contest question, the answer must be provided during the order process at https://lock.me, which includes booking at least one partner escape room in Poland, accepting the terms and conditions, agreeing to be sent a newsletter and making payment in full for the order using the Przelewy24 system.
One person can answer the contest question multiple times. Each completed order entitles you to a new answer to the question (multiple reservations within one order is still one vote). In case of cancellation of the reservation to which the contest answer was sent, it will not be taken into account.
§5 Winning the contest
The contest will be won by the person who correctly estimates the contents of the Mystery Package. In case more than one person answers the question correctly, the person who did it the fastest will win. In case no one answers the question correctly, the person who was closest to the truth will win, which will be decided by the contest jury consisting of Anna Kryśkow and Weronika Przywora. When no answer is close to the truth, the Jury will choose the most creative answer.
The organizer will announce the winner within 5 working days after the end of the contest on its blog at https://lock.me/blog
§6 Prize in the contest
The prize of the contest is a Mystery Package, which may consist of several items. The value of the prize is between 1000 and 1500 PLN. The organizer reserves the right that some of the prizes may be delivered to the person who won it, packaged non-originally. This is because the organizer must take a photo of the products in order to include it in the contest entry on the blog.
§7 Complaints
Complaints related to the contest can be submitted via email to [email protected]. The title of the message must include the phrase "Mystery Package 2024. Christmas is coming". Complaints can be submitted for a maximum of 2 days after the contest results are announced. Lockme has 14 days to respond to the complaint.
§8 Personal Data
All data collected during the contest are processed in accordance with lock.me privacy policy available at: https://lock.me/pl/regulations/5