

    Cześć, tu ekipa lockme, a to nasz escaperoomowy pamiętnik! Przemierzamy różne kraje w poszukiwaniu pokoi, które nas zaskoczą i sprawią, że miesiącami będzi... [více]

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    Úniková hra - Powstanie Warszawskie
    Powstanie Warszawskie

    Coś więcej niż lekcja historii

    20.05.21 | datum návštěvy: 18.05.21

    Recenze Lockme

    To zdecydowanie pokój, którego recenzji nie da się zamknąć w 2-3 zdaniach. To tak, jakby nie powiedzieć nic. Jednak paradoksalnie nawet tacy escape roomowi weterani i wyjadacze jak my nie wiedzieliśmy momentami, co powiedzieć. Bardzo cieszymy się, że escape roomy nie stoją w miejscu i przekraczają kolejne granice, a Powstanie Warszawskie jest tego najlepszym przykładem.

    Wizualnie to naprawdę piękne miejsce. Powierzchnia gry jest duża, a mimo to każdy centymetr kwadratowy pokoju został dopieszczony pod każdym możliwym względem. W wykonanie zostało włożone mnóstwo pracy. Wyjątkowo wspomnimy tu też o grze aktorskiej, ponieważ obecność aktora/aktorów nie jest żadną tajemnicą i o ich obecności wiemy od samego początku. Fabuła w oparciu o interakcję daje niesamowity efekt - wydarzenia, mimo że zgodne ze scenariuszem, są budowane przez graczy razem z napięciem. Dodaje to również niezbędnego realizmu, który stoi na najwyższym poziomie. Potencjał gry aktorskiej został wykorzystany w 101%.

    Zagadki są zróżnicowane, logiczne, poukładane, dopasowane do wydarzeń, w których bierzemy udział. Dopasowane do klimatu, dają mnóstwo frajdy - nawet pod presją czasu, która w przypadku tego scenariusza jest dużo wyraźniej odczuwalna. Choć zadania nie należą do najtrudniejszych, zdecydowanie polecamy ten pokój osobom, które już mają za sobą pierwsze kroki w escape roomach.

    Gra jest bardzo dynamiczna, gracze przeżywają "dużo emocji naraz", a fabuła posiada walory edukacyjne. Możemy przeżyć lekcję historii na własnej skórze i spojrzeć na historię z zupełnie innej perspektywy. Immersja zachowana na zupełnie innym poziomie niż znane nam do tej pory konwencje używane w pokojach. Fabuła dotyka nas bezpośrednio, co może również skłonić do refleksji.

    To także jeden z tych pokoi, do których pójście z zamiarem pobicia rekordu nie ma najmniejszego sensu. Lepiej jest wykorzystać tam każdą minutę z osobna do samego końca (a jest ich póki co aż 80).
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    Obtížnost: Střední

    Úniková hra - Identity

    To war with a rifle

    15.03.21 | datum návštěvy: 13.03.21

    Recenze Lockme

    It's a really simple room: its stationary version is perfect for the beginnings of an escape room adventure, and so is its adaptation to the live cam formula. It will be perfect for groups that hesitate and are not convinced that online escape rooms are for them. We hope this room will convince you!

    The refined interior is really pleasing to the eye and makes you hang for a moment while viewing the rooms - this is the real domain of Exit19. Nevertheless, we recommend that you look around very carefully and focus so that no one misses anything!
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    Obtížnost: Snadné

    Úniková hra - Nekromanta - Rytuał Śmierci
    Nekromanta - Rytuał Śmierci

    Black Magic, Mystery & Ritual

    15.03.21 | datum návštěvy: 03.03.21

    Recenze Lockme

    This is a dark position on the live cam map, suitable for people who are looking for an interesting plot and interesting puzzles.
    The atmosphere can be tense, although in our opinion it does not belong to the "scary" category. There are many surprises tailored to the live cam formula. Very rich interior, in which you will find a lot of secrets. It is good to work in a team - the more eyes focused on searching, the better!
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    Obtížnost: Střední

    Úniková hra - The Roomvengers
    The Roomvengers

    We became agents!

    10.03.21 | datum návštěvy: 05.03.21

    Recenze Lockme

    This was our second room in a live cam formula, from this company, and we already knew what we could expect more or less from the technical side. The way the game is run by the staff is a very big plus - nothing is shown directly and the players' mind has a lot of room to show off here. So as it should be in escape rooms.

    There are quite a lot of puzzles, there is definitely something to do during a virtual visit in this scenario. But the best puzzles, in turn, are quite simple and very well suited to the virtual form of the game. A large number of tasks means that even seasoned players will not be bored, while the general difficulty level allows each group to play, regardless of experience.

    The plot is perfect for Marvel lovers, but not only fans will have a lot of fun in it.
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    Obtížnost: Střední

    Úniková hra - Time Machine - The Secret of Leonardo
    Time Machine - The Secret of Leonardo

    Back to the future, medieval version

    03.02.21 | datum návštěvy: 01.02.21

    Recenze Lockme

    This room is visually refined, which is perfectly visible even on the webcam while playing in the live cam formula. Decorations, walls, details: everything is clear and perfectly introduces the atmosphere even on the other side of the globe.

    The puzzles are well suited to the formula, although they require a lot of concentration. There is a lot to do and certainly, no one in the team will be bored. There is no shortage of elements of surprise, and the whole room can be remembered by the player for a long time. Due to the subject matter, very diverse groups can play there, including children. "Leonardo" is a great idea for an online evening with friends or as a diversion for a birthday party or a family meeting.
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    Obtížnost: Střední

    Úniková hra - The Restaurant
    The Restaurant

    Trouble at a job interview

    03.02.21 | datum návštěvy: 30.01.21

    Recenze Lockme

    The theme of the room seems to be neutral, but thanks to this choice, it will suit a wide live cam audience. It will be perfect for online meetings with friends or for employee integration - after all, the leitmotif is an interview. Additionally, there is a lot to do in it. There are also a few moments of surprise, which we will not reveal, of course.

    The game is played in the form of a POV (point of view), thanks to which the view of the room is "organized" from the perspective of the person or the group walking through the room. The game master has a very good understanding of the group and adapts to it, making the game smoother.

    The room is run by our compatriots from Poland, therefore, despite the fact that it is physically located in Ireland, it is possible to play in Polish - it's a very nice touch!
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    Obtížnost: Střední

    Úniková hra - Perfume

    In the world of fragrances

    14.01.21 | datum návštěvy: 01.01.21

    Recenze Lockme

    Although the scents cannot be felt through the monitor screen, you can easily feel the atmosphere in this room. Omnipresent anxiety, amazing stage setting, and very logical puzzles are the main advantages of this room. There is much to do in it.

    At first, the game master helps you familiarize yourself with the inventory of the room without leaving his role for a moment. It builds tension together with the scenography and the sound elements (which do not interfere with communication in any way),

    The interactive system of solving puzzles is very convenient, and the puzzles themselves are not very complicated, although they are also not the easiest. There's a lot going on in the room itself. However, the puzzles go very smoothly, and the solutions themselves bring satisfaction. Together with the game master, he will discover history and secrets, piece by piece, puzzle by puzzle.

    We personally love such a thriller atmosphere and we hope you will leave here as satisfied as we are.
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    Obtížnost: Snadné

    Úniková hra - Vikings · Amulets of Power
    Vikings · Amulets of Power

    Dear Loki, please don't kill us

    14.01.21 | datum návštěvy: 12.01.21

    Recenze Lockme

    Communication plays a leading role in this live cam: it is a really good choice for groups that want to practice this skill and concentrate on working in a group. Therefore, an important element of the player's equipment, in this case, is an efficient microphone :) Here you can really organize productive communication training.

    The puzzles are very well suited to the live cam form: logical focused on the above-mentioned communication. Thanks to this, the game runs smoothly, which increases the comfort of the game, because there is a lot to do here. The acting skills of the leader allow you to feel the atmosphere.

    The room itself is extensive, thanks to which players will have many surprises and will not get bored.
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    Obtížnost: Snadné

    Úniková hra - Golden Heist - Live Cam
    Golden Heist - Live Cam

    Bella Ciao

    13.01.21 | datum návštěvy: 02.01.21

    Recenze Lockme

    For "Money Heist" fans, this scenario is a real treat. The possibility to play in this room in the form of a live cam is a great alternative for people who want to check for themselves where all the fuss is from, and at the moment are not able to come to Poznań. Also, players from all over the world now have an easier task!

    Interesting puzzles make cooperation even more enjoyable. It's worth keeping your eyes open - there will be plenty of searching and logical thinking, as well as many surprises related to the script itself. The atmosphere of adventure and the crime story has been very neatly mixed here - thanks to this, both crime fiction and adventure fans will find something for themselves.
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    Obtížnost: Střední

    Úniková hra - Prison

    Punishment without crime

    13.01.21 | datum návštěvy: 02.01.21

    Recenze Lockme

    Live is not easy in a prison... especially when you want to get out of it. There will be cleverly hidden tips and elements of cooperation not only between the game master and the team but also between the players themselves. Because two heads are better than one! Although the scenario is easy, even more advanced players will find something for themselves in it. The prison atmosphere was well preserved. It is worth turning on "where could you hide something useful in a prison cell?" thinking - it helps!
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    Obtížnost: Snadné

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