The Lockme widget is a simple tool that allows you to accept bookings directly on your website. Read our article and see how easy it is to implement.

    Booking widgets - what are they?

    A booking widget is a small, interactive element placed on a website that allows customers to make a reservation directly. It is a small window that brings the functionality of the booking system directly to your site. Lockme widgets are offered in two variants: Standard and Plus.

    You can find detailed information about the content of each package in the article:

    Where to find the widgets?

    The widgets are located in the "Companies" tab of the Lockme company panel.


    Selecting "Widgets" will take you to a module where a variety of widget types are available. There are widgets assigned to specific categories: for individual departments and for rooms (with weekly and monthly views).


    By selecting the variant you are interested in, you will gain access to a view that presents a code to be copied and pasted into the appropriate place on your website.


    Below is a detailed visualization of the selected widget, which shows how it will look on your site after implementation.


    Customizing widgets

    Lockme allows you to fully customize the widget according to your individual preferences. You can customize both the color scheme and the visual appearance.

    Color scheme

    The light theme is set by default for the widget. To change the widget's theme to a dark one, go to the "Departments" tab, then select the "Widget Settings" option. From the "Color scheme" drop-down list, select the "Dark" option.


    Interested in advanced CSS styling options and a wide color palette for widgets? Be sure to take a look here:

    Additional payment options

    The deposit system

    If you have the Lockme widget implemented, you can enter a deposit. This is a set amount that is a percentage of the total price that the customer pays before the visit.

    Require full payment

    Holidays and Halloween are traditionally periods with a higher number of bookings. To minimize the risk of cancellations during these periods, consider making upfront payments mandatory.

    Curious about additional payment options? Take a look at this article:

    Do you have any questions?

    Write boldly to: [email protected].

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    Denna typ av filer är nödvändiga för att vår webbplats ska fungera korrekt. De används bland annat för funktioner som att webbläsaren kommer ihåg det land som användaren har valt, produkter i kundvagnen eller webbplatsens färgtema.

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