Setting up a service account is the first step to using Widget Plus. Read this article to smoothly go through the process.

    How to set up a service account on Lockme for your company?

    To get started, follow the points described below.

    1. Log in to your company dashboard.
    2. Go to the "Subscription accounts" tab.
    3. Click the "Add" button.image
    4. Fill in the data, and then click "Add".image

    Widget activation

    After creating an account, it is necessary to activate the calendar service. To do this, follow the steps below:

    1. Go to the "Additional services" tab.
    2. Click the "Activate calendar service" button.image
    3. Read and accept the terms and conditions.

    Payment and booking widget settings

    To enable bookings through the widget, follow the steps below:

    1. In the "Rooms" tab, assign the corresponding rooms to the calendar to enable reservations.image
    2. Upload your terms and conditions under the "Legal Documents" tab. The customer will have to accept the terms and conditions before booking through the widget. It is worth noting that affiliate terms and conditions do not work in this case - you need to upload your own document.image
    3. Go to the "Payment settings" tab and choose a credit card, then save the changes. image

    Costs and forms of settlement

    The cost of using our system is 10 EUR base plus 5 EUR per room - net per month. In Poland, these amounts are converted to zlotys according to the current exchange rate. It is worth noting that the first month of using the service is free of charge. Settlement is done in a subscription model - you need to attach a payment card to your account, from which the amount due is automatically charged every month. In addition, every month you will receive an invoice documenting these payments.

    Do you need support?

    If you have any questions or problems, you can contact our support team at [email protected].

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    Denna typ av filer är nödvändiga för att vår webbplats ska fungera korrekt. De används bland annat för funktioner som att webbläsaren kommer ihåg det land som användaren har valt, produkter i kundvagnen eller webbplatsens färgtema.

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