Are you planning a holiday promotion or a Halloween version of an actor's room? Want to offer customers a discount, multiple rooms at once or another special version of the room? This article is for you!

    Add promotions

    To create a special offer, go to the Lockme company panel and select the "Special offers" tab. Then click "Add."


    Types of special offers

    Select the specific company you want to run the promotion for, and decide whether it will be a discount, a special version of the room or many rooms at once. Give the promotion a name, describe the offer in detail and add a photo if you want.


    A discount is a type of promotion that discounts the price, either as a percentage or a fixed amount, on selected rooms over a specified period of time.


    Special version of the room

    The designation of a room as a "special version" is for informational purposes only and is used to promote additional attractions, such as playing with an actor. The price of such a room remains unchanged. If the offer is to affect the price of the room, it is necessary to update the price variants.


    Many rooms at once

    The "many rooms at once" offer is aimed at customers booking more than one room at a time. In this case, the price for each additional room is discounted. The discount is calculated automatically in the shopping cart after adding at least two or three rooms and increases with the number of reservations.


    Setting the duration of the promotion

    In the "Dates" section, set the start and end of the promotion and the days of the week on which it will be active. Then click "Add."


    Final steps before launching the offer

    After adding the promotion, you will see two new tabs: "Rooms" and "Details". In the "Rooms" tab, select the specific rooms you want to cover with the selected offer.



    In the "Details" tab, select whether the discount will be a percentage or an amount. Then enter the appropriate value (e.g. 20% or PLN 50).


    Special version of the room

    The "Details" tab does not include this promotion. For the price to change, you need to add a new price variant for this room.

    Many rooms at once

    In the "Details" field, specify the numerical value of the discount granted for each additional room booked.


    Activate the offer

    After saving your changes, go to the "General" tab and activate your offer. And finally: save everything again.


    Have a question or need support?

    Contact our support team at: [email protected].

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