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Часовий пояс:
An epic adventure combining immersive theater and escape rooms. Experience life in a real medieval castle with live actors and a dramatic story. Kingdom Com... [більше].
час роботи.хв
2 відгуки
Чехія: n-те місце
Кутна Гора: n-те місце
An epic adventure combining immersive theater and escape rooms. Experience life in a real medieval castle with live actors and a dramatic story.
Kingdom Come: Experience is a medieval-themed real-life gaming project combining immersive theater and escape rooms. With 10 actors and 4 hours of dramatic, action-packed story it brings to life a real medieval fortress of Malešov for an RPG-like experience. Solve puzzles, embark on quests, scheme, fight and swindle your way to your victory.
The game takes place in the universe of award-winning RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance from Czech studio Warhorse and includes the official game soundtrack to immerse you in the world of early 15th century Bohemia.
дружній до сімей з дітьми
Žižkovo náměstí 54, 285 41 Malešov
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