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    Escape room - Klątwa Smoka
    Klątwa Smoka

    A lot of fun

    2022-12-01 | datum för besöket: 2022-11-30

    It feels like this room saw already tons of people as it’s used a lot.. nevertheless was 2h of full fun, laughing and enjoying.
    I recommend
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 9/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Svar från företaget Gamescape Kraków

    Thank you for the review!

    The room you visited is heavily stylized to give the players an ancient feel. I'm sorry to see that it seemed worn out to you. But it's great that you enjoyed yourselves and I hope you'll visit us again soon!

    Kind regards,
    Aleksandra from Gamescape
    Escape room - Czarna Perła
    Czarna Perła


    2022-08-08 | datum för besöket: 2022-08-01

    Wonderful scenario and a lot of great puzzle. I personally didn’t enjoy the system to contact the game master, and the fact that puzzles are not linear, however the game is solid and consents a lot of fun. 70 minutes passed like nothing, thanks for bringing Rzeszow to a good quality level, ER wise.
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 9/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Enkelt

    Escape room - Spisek Kardynała
    Spisek Kardynała

    Very nice discover

    2021-12-27 | datum för besöket: 2021-12-27

    This room changed recently name, now is called the 3 Musketeers.
    ER very well projected, you can all electronic systems, an involving story, nice riddles and lot of fun.
    Please be aware that the room could be too difficult if you are not in 3 at least.
    Absolutely advised to visit this place.
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 8/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 8/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Hårt

    Escape room - Serce Ozyrysa
    Serce Ozyrysa

    Incredible well done

    2021-11-11 | datum för besöket: 2021-11-10

    This is one of the best escape room we did in terms of atmosphere and theme recreated. Everything looks authentic and you can see they spent lot of money and hours to design and develop it, which it makes it even more valuable.

    All the rooms inside the game are designed to be played in at least 2 people always collaborating, one upstairs and one downstairs for example (and so on) where communication is the real matter.

    I really liked the whole riddles and puzzles, you can find only electronic and not lockers, a lot of fun and puzzles never seen before.
    I absolutely recommend this room to whom has already some experience. If you don’t have, maybe before start with something easier or you risk to don’t be able to fully enjoy this piece of art.

    Thank you
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 10/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Magia Hogwartu
    Magia Hogwartu

    Amazing room

    2020-10-31 | datum för besöket: 2020-10-31

    Amazing room.
    First of all we find out that today for Halloween there was 10% discount, so unexpected little pleasure.
    We were in 2, finished the room in 55 minutes, great atmosphere, super introduction, wonderful logic and linear riddles. Surprisingly good, it was long time we didn’t see such good room.
    Thank you, we will be back once next room will be ready
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 10/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

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