Integration with is possible in 3 ways, one of which is Google Calendar. Note that if you want to integrate with Google Calendar, you must have a reservation system set up.

    Google Calendar - introductory information:

    • integration with Google Calendar is two-way,
    • one calendar must always be plugged into each room, otherwise the appointments will block each other,
    • in addition, you can plug in a vacation calendar, the added event blocks appointments in all rooms within this integration (NOTE: this form of synchronization is one-sided, the system only downloads data from Google Calendar).


    Step 1

    Log in to your Partner account. Then go to "Partner accounts" > "Edit".

    Step 2

    Click on "Connect to Google Calendar", select the account and go through the procedure of connecting the application to Google. If the process passes successfully you will receive the message "GCal authorization completed".

    Connecting the room:

    Step 1

    Go to edit the room. Then click on the "Room associations" tab.

    Step 2

    Select the calendar to which you want to link the room and choose whether you want to link the vacation calendar. Remember to save and synchronize your calendar.

    Google Calendar - Summary:

    • We support ranges, which means that the event blocks appointments whose start time is within the event. Deleting a reservation deletes the entire event,
    • Vacation calendar - deleting a booking in Lockme does not delete the event in the vacation calendar, BUT deleting an event in the vacation calendar will delete the booking from Lockme,
    • Lockme booking data will look different in Google Calendar depending on the source of the booking and the data that is within the booking,
    • #block - is created when booking with Lockme, once the booking is paid #block disappears,
    • LM - booking paid by Lockme.

    Can't find the form of integration that interests you? Write to us at [email protected]. Include in your message information about the reservation system you have, so that we can recognize and contact you for a possible form of integration.

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