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ER Champ
Časové pásmo:
Pushing the limits of science and sanity, this Soviet experiment went too far. Now, 40 years later, it's up to you to uncover the truth. An old abandoned bu... [viac]
2-6 ľudí
60 minúty
8 recenzií
Česká Republika: 2. miesto
Praha: 2. miesto
Pushing the limits of science and sanity, this Soviet experiment went too far. Now, 40 years later, it's up to you to uncover the truth.
An old abandoned bunker has been uncovered right under the streets of Prague. It seems it was built by the USSR, but what was its purpose? It is up to you to become brave explorers and find out the truth, but beware, for there is a terrible price to pay for curiosity.
As you enter the rusted and decaying place, you get the feeling that you’re not entirely alone…
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Od 16 rokov
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Systém núdzového otvárania dverí
The Chamber - Praha Petrské náměstí
Petrské náměstí 1186/1, Prague 1
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