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ER Champ
Časové pásmo:
This highly atmospheric game imprisones you in a dark, medieval dungeon. Do you have what it takes to escape the strange cult? Watch out for the guard! You... [viac]
2-6 ľudí
60 minúty
5 recenzií
Česká Republika: 6. miesto
Praha: 6. miesto
This highly atmospheric game imprisones you in a dark, medieval dungeon. Do you have what it takes to escape the strange cult? Watch out for the guard!
You are woken up by the toll of a bell. Imprisoned by a strange cult for the sin of “heresy” (whatever that’s supposed to mean) you and your companions have an hour to reflect before your execution takes place. The old, dark stone walls of the medieval dungeon around you bear signs that you’re not the first ones to end up like this. An escape? You’ll need a plan. And be careful not to make too much noise… you don’t want the iron-masked dungeon master to come back, do you?
Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi
Možnosť platby kartou
Temnota v miestnosti
Úplné monitorovanie
Bezpečnostné tlačidlo
Núdzové osvetlenie
Systém núdzového otvárania dverí
The Chamber - Praha Petrské náměstí
Petrské náměstí 1186/1, Prague 1
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