

    Hej, jestem ingaausa. Mam na swoim koncie 6 odwiedzonych escape roomów. Zapraszam do przeglądania mojego profilu. Dodaj mnie do obserwowanych lub napisz wiadomość aby porozmawiać o escape roomach.

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    Escape room - Powstanie Warszawskie
    Powstanie Warszawskie

    Well executed and enjoyable room

    14.12.2023 | data wizyty: 14.12.2023

    Me and my two brothers thoroughly enjoyed this room during our Christmas visit to Warsaw. Although located rather far away from the city center, the facilities were nice and professional. Our game master was extremely nice and enthusiastic.

    The puzzles were diverse and of a nice challenge level, where they're challenging enough to be fun but logical enough to not frustrate you. The decor was excellent and so were the technical aspects. The actor provided a nice touch but the room would have sufficed on its own without them.

    The room requires a lot of crawling, which might put people off, but I think it just adds to the excitement. All in all, I recommend this. It's well worth the journey out of the center.
    Ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje:

    Ocena ogólna: 9/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Katakumby

    Technical issues damaged the experience

    14.12.2023 | data wizyty: 13.12.2023

    Wiarygodna opinia

    I so would have loved to love this room, but our experience was disappointing from the start. The staff seemed extremely tired, although nice, so that might have affected the way they solved our issues. The first puzzle simply didn't work, which meant that even though we'd logically solved it within minutes, we fumbled around for 15 minutes before asking for help. We then spent 5 minutes explaining to the GM that it wasn't working, before they opened it manually. By opening up this first puzzle, apparently they mechanically opened up two other puzzles, in a room of relatively few puzzles. Why they didn't ask us to wait before they reset it, instead of ruining more puzzles, is beyond me. Of course technical issues can occur, I understand that and don't mind it, but the GM could have tried to reset it properly or at least warned us that we should close all open apartments that look like they shouldn't be open.

    Anyway. The room was nicely decorated with cool compartmentalisation and nice atmosphere. I never really got the storyline. Perhaps that was a language issue, although the room was perfectly language neutral otherwise.

    The puzzles were inventive and diverse, but rather simple, with one or two elements to it, but rarely more. The room is very linear. You're always just working at one thing at a time which adds to the simplicity and I can't really imagine a 6 people group working in this (we were 3). One puzzle was hard to solve, simply because it was so worn out, so we solved it with mainly trial and error, which isn't a very sophisticated way to solve things.

    Some very cool aspects, like the lowering ceiling, but still, the ratings surprise me as it is absolutely inferior to most rooms I've visited in Poland (in other cities such as Wroclaw and Gdansk).
    Ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje:

    Ocena ogólna: 2/10

    Obsługa: 3/10

    Klimat: 7/10

    Poziom trudności: Łatwy

    Odpowiedź firmy Zagadkownia

    We sincerely apologize for the issues you encountered during your recent gaming experience. After thoroughly reviewing the gameplay recordings and engaging in discussions with our team, we recognize the significance of the situation.

    Nine days ago, we initiated contact via email to gain deeper insights into the specific difficulties you faced. We are awaiting your answer.

    Please don't hesitate to reach out to us for further discussion, whether through email or by phone, based on your preferred mode of communication. Your feedback is crucial to us, and we are committed to resolving this matter comprehensively.

    Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we assure you that we are taking the necessary steps to address and rectify the issues raised, aiming to restore your confidence in our services.

    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
    Escape room - Expecto Patronum!
    Expecto Patronum!


    29.11.2022 | data wizyty: 28.11.2022

    Wiarygodna opinia

    Me, and my two brothers, picked this room based on the reviews and despite the distance from the city centre. The unassuming entrance almost added to the experience, and we were created by a very cheerful guy that asked us to wait outside for a couple of minutes.

    The cheerful guy cheerfully explained the rules in a cheerful manner, masterfully stroking our egos and animatedly staying in character as a Gryffindor prefect.

    The room was good fun, well decorated and certainly in theme. The room had small durability issues, such as ornaments being hung up with blue tack, but it was still very nicely done. The puzzles were fun, but slightly on the simple side, mostly one or two step solutions, where a third step could have been easily implemented for a greater challenge to serve the longer duration (75 minutes).

    The room can be played in English, but that's a very hybrid version, which doesn't provide the full experience. It didn't ruin the experience, but did hinder us sometimes, and of course it would have been a fuller immersion if the characters would have spoken English.

    All in all, great fun, excitement and escapement into the Potterverse (which I rarely allow myself these days, with Rowling being an abomination and all). Will definitely try out more Escape Time rooms in the future!
    Ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje:

    Ocena ogólna: 8/10

    Obsługa: 9/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Wehikuł Czasu - Tajemnica Leonarda
    Wehikuł Czasu - Tajemnica Leonarda

    A travel back in time

    20.12.2021 | data wizyty: 18.12.2021

    Da Vinci took us back in time, through a exceptionally crafted time machine, which is outside the room, but kind of the star of it. The room was beautiful, if perhaps a little understated, and had many large puzzle components that made the room appear very custom-made, as opposed to a selection of sourced components. The puzzles were diverse and the premise interesting. The puzzles fit into the story and the premise of the Italian engineer/painter/scientist.

    The only imperfect thing would be the pacing of the game-flow. Sometimes we had nothing to do and were desperately searching (which is fine) and then we'd solve one thing and suddenly we had way to many components and puzzles to work on at once. Not a huge problem, just food for thought.

    Our game master V was super friendly and nice. She'd get an 11 if that was possible. The lobby was really, really nice. Much nicer than the "main" lobby in a neighboring house. It would make sense to send guests directly there for main bookings in my opinion.

    Loved it and will definitely be back to Exit19.
    Ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje:

    Ocena ogólna: 9/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Lochy Króla Artura
    Lochy Króla Artura

    Thorough puzzles in a fantastic setting

    20.12.2021 | data wizyty: 18.12.2021

    A fascinating cinematic experience. The set is beautifully made, with multiple rooms and diverse puzzles. Some puzzles needed a common effort and many are hands-on. All of them play very nicely to the premise of the room.

    The staff was friendly and helpful. They seemed to have a good overview over where we were and what we needed. A slight malfunction was remedied by the staff who were apologetic. It did not ruin our experience at all.

    Our experience was overwhelmingly positive and we went back for another room the same day, because we were so happy with our time there. We'll definitely be back.
    Ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje:

    Ocena ogólna: 10/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Trudny

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