

    Firma Questerland posiada w swojej ofercie 5 pokoi. Aby odwiedzić wszystkie dostępne escape roomy, potrzebujesz 300 minut. [więcej]

    Opis firmy

    Firma Questerland posiada w swojej ofercie 5 pokoi. Aby odwiedzić wszystkie dostępne escape roomy, potrzebujesz 300 minut.

    Praha, Czechy


    Manesova 54, 120 00 Praha

    Pokoje dostępne w oddziale Praha

    Ostatnie opinie


    712 pkt

    300 opinii


    24.09.2023 | data wizyty: 21.03.2023

    VooVoo 300 opinii

    Of all the company's rooms, I liked this one the least, although it must be said that it is absolutely not a bad escape room. The set design is high-budget and reflects the space theme well. The puzzles require cooperation between players and perceptiveness with one quite difficult manual task. Game Mastering at the highest level.

    Ocena ogólna: 7/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni


    777 pkt

    521 opinii


    18.06.2023 | data wizyty: 22.03.2023

    Q 521 opinii

    It is a very good escape room. Another in Questerland, which has a flawless set design. Very methodical arrangement of riddles, and almost all of them are a combination of electronic and manual solutions. In addition, the game animation is interestingly arranged - it can be said that the room is some kind of interactive and the title antagonist plays a crucial role here. Definitely worth a visit!
    Ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje:

    Ocena ogólna: 9/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni


    777 pkt

    521 opinii


    18.06.2023 | data wizyty: 21.03.2023

    Q 521 opinii

    This escape room is regarded as one of the easiest in the Questerland's offer, but it surprised us a bit with the level of difficulty. There are few challenges here, including one killer manual task. This room also requires a good communication skills and keeping the attention to details throughout the game. High quality set design as well as fine lighting and audio effects. As usual, great Game Mastering.
    Ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje:

    Ocena ogólna: 8/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni


    777 pkt

    521 opinii


    18.06.2023 | data wizyty: 21.03.2023

    Q 521 opinii

    They say sequels are usually much worse than the first parts, but this room definitely proves otherwise. All the most interesting ideas from the first part are even more interesting here, the set design are much better and the interior is spectacular. Lots of magic around. The finale loses a bit of quality, but the remaining parts are at a very high quality level when it comes to riddles. One of the coolest Harry Potter rooms we've had the opportunity to play in.
    Ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje:

    Ocena ogólna: 9/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni


    777 pkt

    521 opinii


    18.06.2023 | data wizyty: 21.03.2023

    Q 521 opinii

    It seems like this is one of the most popular escape room theme, at least looking at the number of ERs available on the Polish market based on the Harry Potter universe. This is probably the tenth room of such kind in which we played. Is it the best of them all? Nope. Is it worth visiting? Definitely! It's a quite cleverly done version of HP. Riddles are more and less classic, but for sure you can use magic here. As usual, the set design and decor are of a high quality. The room itself is a very good introduction to the second part.
    Ostatnio odwiedzone pokoje:

    Ocena ogólna: 8/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

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