Hour margins are settings for slot availability. Having a slot available for a room at, say, 4pm, we usually need at least 2 hours to get to the location and prepare the game. So we set the hour margin to 2 [h]. An hour margin can also be useful when we are on site and can accommodate a group "at that moment".

    Where to set the hour margin?

    For department:

    The hour margin must be set in the Departments edition (NOTE: this is the margin applicable to the entire department). Then go to the "Calendar settings" tab. Enter the margin you are interested in in the visible field and save it.

    For Room:

    It is also possible to set an hour margin that applies only to one room. To set such a margin, go to the Room edition. Then go to the "Booking settings" tab. Enter the margin you are interested in in the visible field and save it.

    Setting the hour margin is also possible in the calendar view.

    Click on the gear wheel for the room you are interested in, then enter the margin you are interested in and save. When accepting groups "at that moment", set a margin of at least 0.1.

    Hour margin exceptions:

    It is also possible to set the so-called exceptions. If we want the hour margin to be shorter in a given period (e.g. from Friday to Sunday) in a selected department. You need to enter the Departments edition. Then go to the “Hour margin exceptions” > “Add a new item” tab.

    In the edit field, set the days and hours you are interested in, during which a given margin is to apply, and the margin itself. The margin then works for slots that are within the selected range. Click save.

    Margins are overwriting each other!

    Hour margins are overwritten, which means that when we set all the above options, only the most important margin will function. The hierarchy is as follows (from most important to least important): Room > Exception > Department.

    Hour margins can be removed. By deleting data from the field and saving it.

    NOTE: We are currently struggling with the proper functioning of the 2 [h] margin. We recommend setting a margin of 1.9 [h].

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