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Часовий пояс:
Lockme Partner
A dark cloud hangs over Castlecombe. Sir Rupert Graves, a titan of the town, lies dead after a raucous 60th birthday bash. Whispers of foul play abound, fuel... [більше].
час роботи.хв
Немає відгуків
A dark cloud hangs over Castlecombe. Sir Rupert Graves, a titan of the town, lies dead after a raucous 60th birthday bash. Whispers of foul play abound, fueled by suspicious details and rumors of hidden grudges. Was it greed for his vast fortune? Burning vengeance? Or a cruel twist of fate? In this captivating whodunit, "Tears and Grief," you take center stage. Can you unravel the truth and expose the killer before serenity is forever lost in Castle Combe?
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Оплата на картку
від 14 років
Сутінки в кімнаті
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Повний контакт з гейм майстром
Двері завжди відкриті
Funky Monkeys - Tsarigradsko shose
135D Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., 7th 11th Kilometer, 1784 Sofia
Від 330,00 BGN
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