James S.

    James S.

    Hej, jag heter James S.. Jag har besökt 55 escape rooms. Jag inbjuder dig att titta på min profil. Följ mig eller skriv ett meddelande för att prata om escape rooms.

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    Escape room - Skazani

    Quick escape..

    2018-11-12 | datum för besöket: 2018-11-12

    We went into this room not knowing what to expect and we were surprised by certain aspects of it. We went as a pair and got out in 36 minutes with no tips, so we are very proud of this result after 20 rooms.
    We would say that for us this room is as it says, for beginners, as it was quite easy to do and only one or two puzzles stopped us in our tracks for a moment. This doesn't mean it was in any way a boring room, I would recommend it for any level as the decor is great and there were some great puzzles that we hadn't encountered before.
    Customer service was also amazing and we felt looked after.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 9/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 8/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Enkelt

    Escape room - Legenda Miecza
    Legenda Miecza

    A sworded affair!

    2018-11-04 | datum för besöket: 2018-11-03

    Where to start....
    We travelled up from Kraków to attend this room knowing it is the 2nd highest rated escape room in Poland!
    We were not disappointed at all. The decor in the room was very well presented and we felt like we were transported to King Arthur's time! We only wish we had been given blindfolds before entering..
    We finished with 6 minutes left on the clock but it could have been at least 15 if we had just opened our eyes!! Anyway, for just the two of us it was still an achievement.
    The puzzles in this room require you to use different methods and different ways of solving puzzles and the diverse use of puzzles in this room is what makes it really fun to do. Even a few surprises!! :)
    The customer service was really great and it started from simple email communication to saying our dowidzenia's..
    We would highly recommend this room and look forward to attempting the No. 1 spot at the same place (Nautilus). :)

    Sammanfattande betyg: 9/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Enkelt

    Escape room - Tajemnica Władcy Nilu
    Tajemnica Władcy Nilu

    Game changer..

    2018-11-03 | datum för besöket: 2018-11-03

    Wow! Blown away by the fantastic detail and the fact it was all electronic and automatic. We went as a pair and we finished with 5 minutes left on the clock, which might have been sooner if we hadn't misread some puzzles instructions.
    We were told about a broken puzzle which had been done by a previous group, it was disappointing to hear that people don't listen to the simple rules and damage puzzles.
    Aside from that it was a great experience and we had a lot of fun, we liked that there were mixed puzzles where the use of different mediums helped us to solve them. Very good customer service.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 10/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Skarbiec

    Bank panic!

    2018-11-03 | datum för besöket: 2018-11-03

    Great room! We came up from Kraków to try out some of the best escape rooms in Bydgoszcz. This one was the first we visited and we were very impressed, with the decor and also the puzzles. We were two people and we finished with 11 seconds left on the clock.
    We liked the fact that the room is built in a way that you don't have the cables or additional things you can't touch that work the puzzles exposed in the room. It adds to the realism of the room.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 9/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Statek Piratów
    Statek Piratów

    Arrgh! Ready the cannons!!!

    2018-10-21 | datum för besöket: 2018-10-21

    After visiting the Krakow Beast earlier in the day, we decided to visit the other room that Combinator had to offer. A pirate adventure...and it was exactly that!! We were absolutely blown away by the decoration of the room and its authenticity. We felt like actual pirates and very quickly assumed the roles. :)

    We went as a pair (as always) and we managed to get out with 13 minutes left on the clock which we were happy with considering it was for more experienced escape artists. The puzzles were creative and involved a little more thought but we got into the flow pretty quickly, all guns blazing!

    The customer service was probably the best we have experienced in Krakow and we would certainly recommend a visit to this great Escape Room!

    Sammanfattande betyg: 10/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Sekret Profesora Lipnitzkiego
    Sekret Profesora Lipnitzkiego

    A date with the Professor!

    2018-10-08 | datum för besöket: 2018-10-07

    We had to give this room a try as we saw it rated so highly on Lockme. It most definitely was a fantastic room. It had a story and we didn't lose the narrative which seems to happen with many escape rooms nowadays. We went in as a pair (as always) and we did fairly well, one or two puzzles were different from what we had seen before and stopped us in our tracks.. We managed to get out just in time and we were quite happy with our efforts. Great room.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 8/10

    Kundtjänst: 9/10

    Interiör: 9/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Tajemnica Hrabiego Cromwell'a
    Tajemnica Hrabiego Cromwell'a


    2018-09-17 | datum för besöket: 2018-09-17

    We could clearly see why this Escape room was so high up in the rankings on Lockme. We went as a group of four and two of us were more experienced and two were absolute beginners. We left the room with 6 minutes left on the clock.
    The room itself is well designed and a few unexpected surprises were well thought out. A few puzzles were quite hard but overall slightly challenging.
    Customer service was excellent and we felt how proud they were about the room, and so they should be!
    We look forward to new rooms by the same company.. We recommend that you give this room a go. We give this room a 9 simply because there are rooms we think were slightly better but it it still a fantastic room.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 9/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Cela Hannibala Lectera
    Cela Hannibala Lectera


    2018-08-17 | datum för besöket: 2018-08-09

    What a remarkable use of such a small space...we enjoyed this escape room because of its realistic decor and atmosphere. We managed to finish it with 20mins left on the clock but the puzzles were imaginative and be prepared to do some movement you can't solve this one by just sitting down. We would recommend this escape room highly. More for beginners but a very interesting room indeed. Great customer service. :)

    Sammanfattande betyg: 10/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Enkelt

    Escape room - W grocie króla gór
    W grocie króla gór


    2018-08-02 | datum för besöket: 2018-08-01

    This escape room was pretty good. We were amazed by the interior of the room. The service was also good.
    Even though this room is advertised as 'not in English yet' it was still ok as long as someone in your group knows Polish.
    We went as a pair and managed to get out of the room, probably ideal with three but maybe no more due to the limited space. We would recommend this escape room for its unique decor.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 8/10

    Kundtjänst: 8/10

    Interiör: 9/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Łowcy snów
    Łowcy snów

    Don't fall asleep..

    2018-08-01 | datum för besöket: 2018-04-15

    We visited this escape room in Bielsko during a weekend in April and it was fantastic. The room itself has probably the best and most well thought out climate of any escape room we have been to so far.
    Unfortunately, we just went over the hour and it was quite frustrating but we were so amazed by it that the experience alone was worth it. The service was also very good, you could tell they care about the experience of thier customers.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 9/10

    Kundtjänst: 9/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

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