Edyta N.

    Edyta N.

    Hej, jag heter Edyta N.. Jag har besökt 95 escape rooms. Jag inbjuder dig att titta på min profil. Följ mig eller skriv ett meddelande för att prata om escape rooms.

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    Escape room - Silent Twin
    Silent Twin

    Nobody move! I dropped my brain

    2018-01-03 | datum för besöket: 2017-12-30

    After going thought almost all of the ERs in Escepcja, as a group we decided that we feel ready to "conquer" this room (We thought we know exactly the train of thought of the creator by now and there's not much that can surprise us) And....boy were we wrong.
    For starters the owner wouldn't let us go through second escape room in the same day, which at first was kind of weird, but looking back at it, it makes sense. (If you think you can handle other ER in Escepcja after this, I'm here to tell you... you're wrong.)
    The room itself is an experience. You're welcomed with a bit of a creepy vibe and it doesn't leave you till you leave the ER. (even walking in to the the same waiting room that I've been in couple times, gave me goose bumps).
    The amount of team work required for this room is crazy (in a good way), and it's understandable that not everyone will have a pleasure (of being mindfucked) to enjoy this room.
    It's hard to review it without spoiling it, so all I'm going to say is this: make sure you have a good team of people; make sure you communicate well; there's lots to do, don't let the room intimidate you; listen to the game master.
    It's hard to find good ERs, after going though so many of them but this one almost makes me wish I never went though it, so I can experience it all over again.
    It's one of my absolute favorite ERs, it's easily in my top 3. (For now :D)
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 10/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Mycket svårt

    Escape room - Gabinet Dyrektora Cyrku
    Gabinet Dyrektora Cyrku


    2018-01-03 | datum för besöket: 2017-12-30

    One of the best rooms for beginners that I've every been in.
    At first, it seems like it's a super easy room with nothing new to offer, but don't let it fool you. The room challenges your organizing skills, and if the group is not communicating well it's easy to get lost.
    The puzzles are fun, and logical. Perfect for beginners.
    The decorations are on point, you really feel like you just steeped in the ringmaster's office.
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 9/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Enkelt

    Escape room - Muzeum średniowiecznych tortur
    Muzeum średniowiecznych tortur

    Dark ages

    2017-12-26 | datum för besöket: 2017-12-17

    Förtroendefull recension

    The decor is very nice, the customer service was ok. The room was good, but you can tell it’s one of the older rooms.
    One of the puzzles wasn’t very logical to us, and really didn’t make sense to us even after the game master explained it to us. It’s just wasn’t very clear. Other than that, nice room.
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 7/10

    Kundtjänst: 9/10

    Interiör: 8/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Kryjówka Genialnego Wynalazcy
    Kryjówka Genialnego Wynalazcy

    Simple maybe, but not easy...

    2017-12-09 | datum för besöket: 2017-12-08

    Förtroendefull recension

    The more ERs I have under my belt the harder it is to surprise me with innovation and creativity.
    But this room is an exception! I was presently surprised by this room!
    There's a lot of innovative puzzles, that I've never seen before.
    The whole vibe of this room is on point and the attention to detail is amazing.
    The room is not the easiest (it's not the hardest either), and I think everyone (more advanced players and the ones that are just starting) will enjoy it!
    The customer service was awesome, and I'm impatiently waiting for more ERs from Strych.
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 9/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Legenda Miecza
    Legenda Miecza

    The Sword in the Stone...

    2017-12-09 | datum för besöket: 2017-12-04

    One of the best ERs that I've ever been! It definitely deserves to be on the top!
    The decorations were superb and the strongest point of the room. The story line was awesome, and the mechanisms in the room were innovating.
    Puzzles are simple, but even the most experienced ER connoisseurs will have a lot of fun.
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 10/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Enkelt

    Escape room - Tajemnicza Posiadłość
    Tajemnicza Posiadłość

    Fun room but...

    2017-11-29 | datum för besöket: 2017-11-26

    The room had a lot of potential, when you walk in you can really feel like you're in the Illuminati HQ and we've been told that the room has no traditional locks, but...
    You really have to look everywhere for things, and make sure you look closely.
    Most of the puzzles are fun, but there's some things that might distract even the more advanced ER players.
    Some of the puzzles don't make sense, and you have to use trail and error to figure it out, and some of the mechanisms didn't work.
    The customer service was ok, although when we ask for a clue, we waited couple minutes after asking couple times.
    It's one of the most expensive ERs in Bielsko, and honestly I don't think it's worth it's steep (for BB) price.
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 8/10

    Kundtjänst: 9/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Pokój poszukiwacza przygód
    Pokój poszukiwacza przygód


    2017-11-29 | datum för besöket: 2017-11-25

    At the first look, the room seem to look simple. Standard locks, keys etc.but don't let it fool you! Make sure to search EVERYTHING, and I mean everything. Some of the things I was supposed to find were right in front of our eyes (I even held the "keys" couple times, and didn't even know it).
    There's not a lot of puzzles in this ER, most of the "misery" is based on finding and unlocking things.
    There's a lot of unnecessary things in there, that were supposed to distract us (and they did, oh boy they did), which felt like a cheap shot for a ER, and I expected more (Although I understand why you need them in the room like this, it wasn't my favorite. I guess it's a matter of taste).
    The customer service was nice.
    The decor was ok.
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 7/10

    Kundtjänst: 9/10

    Interiör: 9/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Pracownia fałszerza
    Pracownia fałszerza

    The Starry Night...

    2017-11-29 | datum för besöket: 2017-11-25

    We had a lot of fun in this ER!
    The puzzles are clever, interesting and fit the decor.
    I would recommend it to beginners or people (just like us), that want to have a good time in the ER.
    Customer service was excellent! I would comeback to see other ER form No Exit Room for sure!
    Nyligen besökta rum:

    Sammanfattande betyg: 8/10

    Kundtjänst: 10/10

    Interiör: 10/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Enkelt

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