
    I love escape rooms. Been to 150+ In Europe and US

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    Escape room - Finders Keepers
    Finders Keepers


    2024-12-08 | datum för besöket: 2024-11-24

    I’ve done over 200 escape rooms and heard that this company had good rooms. I was surprised to see the first room resembled the kind I did over 10 years ago. Staff was lovely, place was nice, puzzles pretty fun (including one I don’t think I’ve seen before. However, it is not on par with other rooms the same age in the industry.

    It is purely 4-digit codes and the same type of padlocks. Literally the same padlock many times

    There are not many companies on Malmö but two I have played have much better rooms.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 4/10

    Kundtjänst: 8/10

    Interiör: 7/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Enkelt

    Escape room - The Museum Heist
    The Museum Heist

    Fun room, worked ok with kids

    2022-12-29 | datum för besöket: 2022-12-27

    I’m just at this room with my husband and three children a few days ago. There were some moments where the lights are off so my kids got scared but otherwise a broom is really fun. I have to be honest and say I didn’t expect much when I went to a small town like this.
    Interior was well done and they had a few different puzzles I haven’t seen before.

    One disappointing feature was a missing museum display. It was obvious someone had broken it, but it was never replaced. There was just a blank area in the corner of the room. Could’ve been other broken puzzles, too as some “buttons” never did anything.
    Overall, enjoy the room and would’ve liked to have done their other room.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 8/10

    Kundtjänst: 7/10

    Interiör: 7/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - Black Market
    Black Market

    Team building

    2022-12-29 | datum för besöket: 2021-11-29

    Pretty OK room. Decent interior, decent puzzles, one spot we really got stuck and not in an “ah ha” way. I have done their other three rooms when they were at a previous location. It was years ago, but none of them stuck out as amazing. Though I’ve done all four of their rooms. I don’t feel I should review the other three since it was such a long time ago

    Sammanfattande betyg: 6/10

    Kundtjänst: 8/10

    Interiör: 7/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - The Last Hand
    The Last Hand

    Lovely room with a twist

    2022-12-29 | datum för besöket: 2019-09-12

    It was a while ago since I did this room but I remember the puzzles were very clever and good. I especially enjoyed the twist at the end. Would definitely recommend it.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 8/10

    Kundtjänst: 8/10

    Interiör: 9/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - The Tenants
    The Tenants

    Great room in malmo

    2022-12-29 | datum för besöket: 2018-10-29

    If you go to Sherlocked I prefer Landlady. This is good as well with lots of challenging puzzles and decor is fun/puts you in the mood. I think this company does a good job at all their rooms.

    Sammanfattande betyg: 8/10

    Kundtjänst: 9/10

    Interiör: 9/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

    Escape room - The Landlady
    The Landlady

    A fan of Sherlocked

    2022-12-29 | datum för besöket: 2019-09-29

    I’ve been to many different rooms at Sherlocked. Enjoy them all. This room has a good decor and theme. Not a typical room in that escape is not the only goal. Don’t want to spoil things so let’s just say it’s worth a visit!

    Sammanfattande betyg: 8/10

    Kundtjänst: 9/10

    Interiör: 9/10

    Svårighetsgrad: Medium

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