Chamber of Secrets

    Chamber of Secrets

    The Dobby elf wasn't thrilled with your sophomore year and tried to stop you in several ways. He was completely uneasy, and he was still confusing something... [mer]

    2-8 personer

    70' minuter



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    Vranov Nad Topľou:

    Plot av rummet Chamber of Secrets

    The Dobby elf wasn't thrilled with your sophomore year and tried to stop you in several ways. He was completely uneasy, and he was still confusing something about the fact that you were in great danger there and that the One-Who-No-Name-Name would return.

    As soon as you arrive at the witch school, things start to happen that even the competent ones do not know or rather do not want to explain to you. The cycle of events opens with an inscription on the wall with a link to the Chamber of Secrets. Fear is also spread by rumors about a mysterious creature living inside the school. The future functioning of the entire academy is threatened and the ministry is considering closing it.

    Your entire search begins in the Forbidden Part of the school library. Although the mysterious diary reveals pieces of the puzzle, it also raises more questions than answers. The most important thing he revealed relates to certain objects that contain parts of the Dark Lord's soul, the so-called horcruxes. But how many are there? Where to look for them? How to destroy them? And what about the Chamber of Secrets and the mysterious creature?

    Start with the director of Hogwarts, he will direct you and Hagrid might know something too. The search begins!

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    The Rooms - Vranov nad Topľou




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