Mission #53 - First police case

    Mission #53 - First police case

    Bob, a seasoned police detective, recalls his days of tracking down criminals in the rough neighborhood of Žižkov, Prague. He reminisces about the gritty rea... [mer]

    2-6 personer

    99' minuter



    8 recensioner

    Tjeckien: nth.place

    Prag: nth.place

    Plot av rummet Mission #53 - First police case

    Bob, a seasoned police detective, recalls his days of tracking down criminals in the rough neighborhood of Žižkov, Prague. He reminisces about the gritty reality of his work, filled with thefts, muggings, and even murders. Despite the danger and unpleasantness, Bob developed a deep fondness for the city and its people. As a lieutenant in the police precinct, Bob played a pivotal role in keeping Žižkov safe, often working long hours to bring criminals to justice. He remembers one particular case vividly, involving a notorious thief who specialized in smuggling goods out of the city. Bob's determination and unwavering commitment to his duty made him a respected figure in Žižkov, earning him the nickname "the old bastard."

    As the first hints of spring began to appear, the city streets came alive with the sight of women clad in breezy dresses and light sweaters, a refreshing change from the long, cold winter months. Bob, a seasoned police lieutenant, was finishing his shift with two freshly recruited officers, eager to unwind and enjoy a few pints at their favorite pub. However, their plans were abruptly interrupted by a call from headquarters reporting a gruesome murder in the park. Duty called, and Bob led the rookies to their first major case, knowing that their well-deserved break would have to wait for a later time. Despite the interruption, Bob couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at introducing the new recruits to the realities of their profession, while also granting himself a brief respite to enjoy a few glasses of something strong.

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    Adress och andra rum här

    The Padlock - Praha Orebitská

    Orebitská 2, Praha 3



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