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Chapter 3 of the Maxim Saga Everything went exactly like you never expected it would. You find yourselves in the questioning room at Anigma Police Station.... [viac]
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60 minúty
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Chapter 3 of the Maxim Saga
Everything went exactly like you never expected it would. You find yourselves in the questioning room at Anigma Police Station. The officer leaves, presumably for coffee and donuts, but fails to return. What is going on? Hurry to find your way out of here before the officer returns! Escape to freedom or spend the better part of the next decade behind bars. Oh, and also. It would be a great opportunity to delete the evidence you left behind in the heists and clear your name.
Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi
Priateľský k invalidom
Hra bez herca
Možnosť platby kartou
Domáce zviera v čakárni
Úplné monitorovanie
Úplný kontakt s majstrom hry
Bezpečnostné tlačidlo
Systém núdzového otvárania dverí
Östra Tullgatan 1, Malmö
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