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ER Champ
Časové pásmo:
Chapter 1 of the Maxim Saga A desperate call for help. One night, one chance, one treasure! Play as agents in Anigma City and help Ewa reclaim the last of t... [viac]
2-6 ľudí
60 minúty
1 recenzia
Švédsko: 32. miesto
Malmö: 5. miesto
Chapter 1 of the Maxim Saga
A desperate call for help. One night, one chance, one treasure! Play as agents in Anigma City and help Ewa reclaim the last of the Maxim family jewels. Surely, they were stolen by her mother’s keepers at the mental institution! Tonight they are visiting the opera. Break into their apartment and search everywhere for the stolen treasure. Find the jewels and bring them to Ewa!
Vhodné pre rodiny s deťmi
Priateľský k invalidom
Hra bez herca
Možnosť platby kartou
Úplné monitorovanie
Úplný kontakt s majstrom hry
Dvere sú vždy otvorené
Östra Tullgatan 1, Malmö
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