napísali novú recenziu: V tomto článku sa nachádza: Das Sanatorium
10/10Asylum of Fun <3
I've played greek version of this game (The Sanatorium) in two modes. I loved this one as well....
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ER Champ
Časové pásmo:
Pozrite si novinky zo sveta únikových miestností na Severné Porýnie-Vestfálsko. Tu sa dozviete o najnovších recenziách miestností alebo čerstvých premiérach. Na Severné Porýnie-Vestfálsko sú 360 izby sú pre vás pripravené miestnosti, ktoré môžete navštíviť. Sledovaním tohto mesta budete tiež informovaní o tom, čo sa deje s vašimi priateľmi z Lockme. Lockme je miesto, kde nájdete najlepšie únikové miestnosti a najnovšie správy o nich.
10/10Asylum of Fun <3
I've played greek version of this game (The Sanatorium) in two modes. I loved this one as well....
10/10Like a real forest!!
This is a masterpiece! I love fake nature in escape rooms and I even love more when someone makes it...
7/10Why so fast?
The game was nice. Pretty space, not that small. Puzzles were cheap, there were lack of them. The interaction...
8/10New job on monday, yay!
It's good to be bad guys sometimes. And The Alley is our test to become ones. This game was once...
9/10Short Mission
Everything was good in this game. Nice space under the real train station makes it even more realistic....
Lockme Awards 2024
Lockme Awards have been handed out for the third time! The awards for the best escape rooms 2024 will soon go to the winners. Learn about this year's results and find out which rooms players think have proven to be the best in 2024.
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