Want to know what a Migrator is and what it is used for? This article will answer these questions and tell you where you can find one.

    What is Migrator and what is its use?

    Migrator is a tool that allows you to change the settings for booking rooms from the selected date. Working with it saves a lot of time. Migrator is most often used when you need to:

    • Change room entry prices from the selected date. To do this, it is necessary to create new price variants. You do this by going to edit branches and selecting the "Price variants" tab.
    • Change the hours of room entries from the selected date. Adjust the number of available hours in the selected room by adding or deleting new slots.

    Importantly, all existing reservations will be automatically migrated to the new hours, and customers will be notified.

    Where is the Migrator located?

    To access the migration module, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your company account in the Lockme dashboard. Then go to the "Rooms" tab.
    2. After clicking on it, a list of all the rooms you can edit will open. image
    3. Select the room whose data you want to modify.
    4. Click the "Migrator" button in the upper right corner of the room editing window.image

    How to use the Migrator?

    To use the migration tool, follow the instructions below:

    1. Set the start date for the calendar changes to take effect.image
    2. Implement the calendar changes at the Migrator level. For example: increase the number of available dates or replace the current price lists with new ones.image
    3. Make changes for each day separately, including slots.
    4. Save the changes.image

    What else is worth knowing about Migrator?

    • Changes in Migrator work from the selected date for each future day.
    • Migrator works by creating exceptions to standard reservations.
    • Migrations applied with this tool are difficult to undo.
    • We will not be able to help you if you make unintended changes!

    Do you have any doubts? Contact us!

    Please send any inquiries to: [email protected]. We will reply to your message as soon as possible.

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