In the Departments edition, there is a "Calendar Settings" tab that allows you to change and customize basic calendar options.

    Basic calendar settings

    The calendar settings tab is located in the Departments edition. Remember that any change you make in the calendar settings must be saved. The "save" button is always located in the upper and lower left corners of the page.

    Pt 1 Days in the future

    Days in the future is a value expressed in days, which determines how many days ahead a customer can book a room. The current upper limit of days ahead is 120 days into the future.

    Pt 2 Hours margin

    Hours margin is a value expressed in hours. You can read more about the margin here.

    Pt 3 Time to pay the deposit

    NOTE: The deposit is only available for companies that use the deposit form on the Lockme widget. Time to pay the deposit is a value expressed in hours. It determines the amount of time the user has to pay the down payment. After the expiration of this time, the term block releases.

    Pt 4 Limit of repayment

    With this field, you can define how much time at most before the appointment a customer can cancel their reservation and get a refund. This information allows us to streamline the refund process without the need for your intervention.

    Additional notification emails

    Information about a new reservation comes to the e-mail address of the department, but it can also be sent to others, such as employees. In this inch, enter the email addresses (one address per line!) and then save.

    Additional text in the confirmation message

    Additional text is the content of the email, which is always sent to the customer after booking.

    This is the place for your message to the customer, which will be sent after the booking. Remember:

    • include the most important information in the message (e.g., on arrival time, special dress code),
    • translate the message into other languages (depending on your offer).

    Other features:

    • The "Send confirmation to customer by default" field decides whether the system should send a message to the customer when the reservation is added manually. NOTE: If this field is checked, the function will apply to each reservation added manually.
    • "Callback URL for OAuth2" - This is the field where you specify the callback used to integrate with Lockme. You can read more about the integration in the "Integrations" section.
    • Changing the logo (it appears instead of the Lockme logo) is only available for widget emails.

    After editing - save!

    Do you have doubts? We will be happy to help you!

    Contact us: [email protected].

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