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Časové pásmo:
Dr. J. Atanasov, burdened by the weight of a long-held Thracian secret, desperately seeks a successor. Just before his puzzling disappearance, he leaves an e... [viac]
3-6 ľudí
90 minúty
Žiadne recenzie
Dr. J. Atanasov, burdened by the weight of a long-held Thracian secret, desperately seeks a successor. Just before his puzzling disappearance, he leaves an encoded message, a test for the worthy. This secret, vital to the Thracians, must be safeguarded. In the wrong hands, the consequences are dire. Can you crack the code and become the guardian of this ancient legacy?
Escape Room Varna - CenterOdesos
CenterOdesos, ul. "Dragoman" 27, 9000 Varna, Bułgaria
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