

    MOJE TOP 5: _______________________________ - Opuszczony Hotel/Wrocław - Panorama / Rybnik - Zemsta Umarlaka/ Poznań - Zielona Mila / Poznań - Cicha Noc... [więcej]

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    Escape room - Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger


    6.06.2023 | data wizyty: 19.03.2023

    Probably the easiest room from the company's offer. We felt like the game was over before it really started. The difficulty level for a group of four is definitely an easy one. Many decors and props known from the classic movie. As marked, it's thriller, not horror escape room.

    Ocena ogólna: 7/10

    Obsługa: 9/10

    Klimat: 8/10

    Poziom trudności: Łatwy

    Escape room - Titanic


    6.06.2023 | data wizyty: 19.03.2023

    Alongside Saw, probably the best in the Endorfin's offer. The set design is fine, although refers not so much to the Titanic as to a submarine or ship of any kind. The atmosphere of the room is also created by good lighting. The puzzles are not difficult and the ending could have been more effective. However, the room is enjoyable and definitely worth playing

    Ocena ogólna: 8/10

    Obsługa: 9/10

    Klimat: 8/10

    Poziom trudności: Łatwy

    Escape room - Star Wars
    Star Wars


    6.06.2023 | data wizyty: 19.03.2023

    As a not-so-great Star Wars fan, I had a pretty good time here. The puzzles fit the theme and use different solutions. Modest set design but by no means there's a lot references to the title universe.

    Ocena ogólna: 7/10

    Obsługa: 9/10

    Klimat: 8/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Saw


    6.06.2023 | data wizyty: 19.03.2023

    This is another room of the Endorfin referring to the classic movie. Although Saw is marked as horror, unfortunately it is not scary. Well prepared puzzles based on electronic and manual solutions and well-arranged game stages that require cooperation between all players.

    Ocena ogólna: 8/10

    Obsługa: 9/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - The Star Element
    The Star Element


    6.06.2023 | data wizyty: 20.03.2023

    We had slightly higher expectations for this room. Traveling through different worlds or civilizations seemed very interesting. Some of these stages of the journey were actually interesting, some less so. The room itself is quite enjoyable though. High class decor as well as great game mastering.

    Ocena ogólna: 8/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Moriarty’s phantom trap
    Moriarty’s phantom trap


    5.06.2023 | data wizyty: 22.03.2023

    An interesting escape room with very well arranged puzzles. The room is considered as the most difficult in Questerland and in fact, compared to the others, several tasks and puzzles require more concentration. Again, very good set design. Definitely worth a visit.

    Ocena ogólna: 9/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Magic Escape Room
    Magic Escape Room


    5.06.2023 | data wizyty: 21.03.2023

    More modest than its second part but similarly playable. Varied and logical tasks based on Harry Potter's saga, with a lot of electronic solutions. Nice set design and very friendly Game Master.

    Ocena ogólna: 8/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Magic Escape Room Episode 2.0
    Magic Escape Room Episode 2.0


    5.06.2023 | data wizyty: 21.03.2023

    A very good escape room, based on the well-known book and movie universe. A lot of magic in this magic escape room and a large number of tasks to do from the perspective of two players. We played in Questerland five games and this room was, in my opinion, by far the best one.

    Ocena ogólna: 10/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Zvláštní škola
    Zvláštní škola


    5.06.2023 | data wizyty: 20.03.2023

    Extremely atmospheric escape room with a large number and variety of puzzles. The beginning of the game is calm, almost static, but it develops and the ending of this story it is definitely worth knowing. The decor fits the plot very well with interesting set design of the school straight from Czechoslovakia time. The logic of the game and its playability were the highlights of this escape room. Great Game Master!

    Ocena ogólna: 10/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Nautilus


    5.06.2023 | data wizyty: 20.03.2023

    From the very beginning, this escape room was supposed to meet expectations due to its high position in the ranking of Prague rooms in TERPECA and recommendations of other groups. The room is beautifully done with attention to detail. The farther the better with a brilliant finale. Logical puzzles, well arranged. Highly recommended.

    Ocena ogólna: 10/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

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