

    Hej, jestem maikejensen. Mam na swoim koncie 13 odwiedzonych escape roomów. Zapraszam do przeglądania mojego profilu. Dodaj mnie do obserwowanych lub napisz wiadomość aby porozmawiać o escape roomach.

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    102 pkt
    Expecto Patronum!
    Expecto Patronum!

    Nice ambiance, but it is not completely translated if you do it in English

    24.01.2024 | data wizyty: 22.01.2024

    Wiarygodna opinia

    The room is well made, and it was fun.
    However, two things were not as we would have liked.

    1) The room is not completely translated when you choose the English version.
    All the audio is in Polish. It is not necessary to understand the audio to solve the puzzles - but we didn't know. We kept telling the GM "the audio is in Polish" - but we did not get a confirmation that is was supposed to be this way (or any acknowledgement that we were heard). After the game they confirmed that it only has Polish audio.
    An example that tripped us up: There was a puzzle in the first room that "spoke" in the beginning, when you interacted with it. After the game we realized that it probably told us that "it was too early in the game to use it / come back later". When it stopped making a sound we figured that we'd accidentally solved it. It seemed finished / dead, when actually it was just activated.
    Overall we just spent a lot of time wondering what was said during audio, and being frustrated that we could not understand.
    2) There was also one puzzle we did not like. We started off wrong (our fault) - and it was very hard to get back on track. Coupled with the fact that it took a looong time for every animation to complete, it was frustrating. Eventually our GM told us to wave the wand at the camera to reset - but there should've been a button or something built in for that.

    We really liked their Steampunk room, as well as their Warrior Spirit room.
    They look great, and play great, completely in English (including audio).
    So definately recommend those over this one.

    I think if we were made aware of the Polish audio beforehand many of our frustrations could've been avoided.
    If you play in Polish I think it's a solid 8,5. You wont have our frustrations, and you can enjoy the set.
    However, because of the audio our expectations were not met - and I'm landing on a 7.

    Ocena ogólna: 7/10

    Obsługa: 7/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Steampunk - alternatywna rzeczywistość
    Steampunk - alternatywna rzeczywistość

    Great immersive atmosphere

    22.01.2024 | data wizyty: 21.01.2024

    Wiarygodna opinia

    Had a great time. Our GM played his part well, and the room was impressively made, especially the second part was really cool. Puzzles were good quality. Top tier in Gdańsk for sure!

    Ocena ogólna: 9/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Duch Wojownika
    Duch Wojownika

    Great room - great GM

    30.06.2023 | data wizyty: 26.06.2023

    This was fun!
    A lot is happening, there's twist and turns.
    The GM is fantastic.
    Puzzles are logical - and you need attention to detail to figure them out.
    The game works great in English too (for us internationals).

    We needed a couple of hints as a two-person team, but overall made it all right.
    I would not say it is SCARY, but the heart rate picks up a couple of times during the game.

    The price is a little steep as a two-person team, because the price is the same no matter the group-size.
    I get it - we take up the room and the GMs time just as much as a bigger group, but it makes it a lot more expensive compared to other rooms.

    Ocena ogólna: 9/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Trudny

    Krwawa Rzeźnia
    Krwawa Rzeźnia

    Fun, and probably a great room for beginners

    30.06.2023 | data wizyty: 25.06.2023

    Wiarygodna opinia

    Enjoyed the atmosphere in the room. It's creepy, as it should be.
    Has a saw-vibe, especially in the beginning, but nothing too scary.

    Did it as two people, and made it out in just over 30 mins without hints.
    I would have liked more puzzles / more difficulty, but it will probably be really good if you're new to escape rooms.

    Ocena ogólna: 6/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 8/10

    Poziom trudności: Łatwy

    Upadłe Królestwo
    Upadłe Królestwo

    Had a great time

    30.06.2023 | data wizyty: 25.06.2023

    Wiarygodna opinia

    Had a great time, really enjoyed the room.
    The puzzles are logical, and the room looks great.
    A highlight in Gdansk! GM was super nice too!

    I would say the difficulty is hard - medium.
    We did it as a two, and needed one hint in the beginning.

    Ocena ogólna: 8/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Trudny

    Opuszczony Hotel
    Opuszczony Hotel

    Still the best room I've visited, a year later

    30.06.2023 | data wizyty: 4.09.2022

    Opinia archiwalna

    We visited the Abandoned Hotel last September.
    I still think about it, almost a year later.

    It has become the room I compare all others to.
    It was truly spectacular - 11/10.
    If you enjoy escape rooms I would say it is worth going to Wroclaw just for this experience. The city is a bonus.

    Great GM and hint-system. SO well done and immersive.

    Ocena ogólna: 10/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Trudny

    Serce Ozyrysa
    Serce Ozyrysa

    Great time in the tomb

    19.04.2022 | data wizyty: 19.04.2022

    Wiarygodna opinia

    Had a great time in Osiris’ tomb. No locks in the traditional sense, but lots of creativity and several levels. Needed a hint for one of the riddles, but considering we were two people we did OK I think. Our hostess was super nice and also gave us tips for rooms in other cities. Thanks again - we’ll definitely be back when you open your second room.

    Ocena ogólna: 9/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Trudny

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