

    Cześć! I'm a Brussels based Belgian escape enthusiast with over 150 rooms (mainly in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Spain) that started playing in Poland... [więcej]

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    Escape room - Ostatni Obrońcy Magii
    Ostatni Obrońcy Magii

    Basic starter room

    21.08.2020 | data wizyty: 2.08.2020

    Good value for money, but little decoration or atmosphere

    Ocena ogólna: 6/10

    Obsługa: 7/10

    Klimat: 5/10

    Poziom trudności: Łatwy

    Odpowiedź firmy King of the Lock

    We're very sad, because when you were in our rooms, you didn't told us, that you didn't like it.
    Your opinion is only about price or decoration, but riddles? Nothing about them? And what we do bad, that for customer service is only 7 stars?
    But we know, that opinion is just opinion, is subjective, we can't change it, so good luck in your next escape rooms!
    Escape room - Centrum Sterowania Temperaturą
    Centrum Sterowania Temperaturą

    Budget escape room, but so it the interior

    21.08.2020 | data wizyty: 30.07.2020

    Value for money as a starter room (only 70 PLN for 2 persons), but the decoration is very minimalistic.

    Ocena ogólna: 6/10

    Obsługa: 7/10

    Klimat: 5/10

    Poziom trudności: Bardzo łatwy

    Escape room - Wikingowie · Amulety Mocy
    Wikingowie · Amulety Mocy

    We THOR-oughly enjoyed it!

    9.08.2020 | data wizyty: 8.08.2020

    Can be played in English upon request: the owners are in the process of adapting the room, so don't hesitate to ask.
    Top notch second generation room with really nice and diverse interior decorations (some of the timber is 200 years old) and many fully automated mechanisms! We thoroughly enjoyed all the viking world themed puzzles and tasks. It's not a scary room, but does have some adventurous aspects, so perfect for groups with children.

    Ocena ogólna: 10/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Primadonna


    9.08.2020 | data wizyty: 1.08.2020

    Wiarygodna opinia

    What a joy and delight is was to a play an opera themed room for once (a refreshing change after all the dungeons, prisons, offices, asylums, murder scenes, Mayan temples or Egyptian pyramids one typically encounters as escape room settings)! Even more when you later learn that part of if is based on the real life of the owners and builders!
    Highly recommended, especially for people who are into classical music.

    Ocena ogólna: 9/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

    Escape room - Lochy Króla Artura
    Lochy Króla Artura

    Lance-a-lot of Fun

    8.08.2020 | data wizyty: 8.05.2020

    Top notch escape entertainment: magnificent decoration, magnificent medievally themed puzzles and friendly staff, that let the two of us finish the room even after the 90 minutes had elapsed!
    We enjoyed every minute of it, but taking on this challenge with two people is quite an arduous adventure, so we would other players to embark on this quest in a group of at least four people (or even five or six).

    Ocena ogólna: 10/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 10/10

    Poziom trudności: Trudny

    Escape room - Galaktyka Tajemnic
    Galaktyka Tajemnic

    The Rebels strike back!

    8.08.2020 | data wizyty: 8.08.2020

    Wiarygodna opinia

    We were very grateful and pleased that we were able to play this room in English as one of the first groups! Since it was only my girlfriend and myself playing, we had our work cut out for us, but we had great fun and with the help of the rebel central intelligence (reachable via some 'unhackable' old-school technology), we managed to escape the spaceship in the nick of time!
    It's quite an adventurous room with lots of tasks to perform, so a group size of four would seem ideal to us.
    The decoration, props and technology really immerse you into a 'galactic' atmosphere and the puzzles are also in keep with the Star Wars theme!

    Ocena ogólna: 10/10

    Obsługa: 10/10

    Klimat: 9/10

    Poziom trudności: Średni

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