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Co to jest escape room?
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ER Champ
Strefa czasowa:
Everyone knows about that orphanage and the cruel exploitation of the children, to no avail. The morality that distinguishes you and your team led you to the... [więcej]
2-6 osób
60 minut
Brak opinii
Everyone knows about that orphanage and the cruel exploitation of the children, to no avail. The morality that distinguishes you and your team led you to the now abandoned site, with the sole purpose of uncovering what had happened back then. You have one hour to collect as many clues as you can and escape the nun's spirit once and for all.
Gra bez aktora
Możliwość płatności kartą
Od 14 lat
Nie dla kobiet w ciąży
Nie dla osób z chorobami serca
Półmrok w pokoju
Pełen monitoring
Przycisk bezpieczeństwa
Oświetlenie awaryjne
Czujniki dymu
Nordstrasse 7, 4542 Luterbach
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