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Co to jest escape room?
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ER Champ
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Partner Lockme
Od zarania dziejów istniały magiczne portale, które łączą nasz świat z fantastycznym światem równoległym. Strażnicy portalu pilnują, aby bramy były dobrze za... [więcej]
2-6 osób
150 minut
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Since the beginning of time, there have been magic portals that connect our world with a fantastic parallel world . Portal guardians make sure that the gates are well secured. But one of the portal guards has been put into a magical sleep – and now evil creatures are streaming into our world. Solve puzzles in enchanted places and collect enough crystals to re-seal the Magic Portal and save our world from destruction.
Magic Portal is aimed at newcomers to Escape Games and designed for the whole
9:40 - 23:45
Clueroom Agata Krysztafkiewicz
ul. Dąbrówki 3/3
62-200 Gniezno
NIP: PL7842298222
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