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Co to jest escape room?
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ER Champ
Strefa czasowa:
Robbing a bank requires months of careful planning. Not to mention the nerves of steel it takes to actually pull off the job. You have put in the hard work... [więcej]
2-4 osoby
60 minut
śr. zaawansowani
Brak opinii
Robbing a bank requires months of careful planning. Not to mention the nerves of steel it takes to actually pull off the job.
You have put in the hard work; you've handpicked your team, they’ve scoped the bank, you’ve timed the security walkthroughs, chosen your getaway car. And now, after weeks of backbreaking tunnelling, you’re inside the vault!
Suddenly, your tunnel collapses! You’re trapped.
Now looking through the bars of the vault door, how will you escape?
There is a treasure trove of cash, gold, jewels and who knows what other valuables, but how do you get through all the security? You don't want to allert the police!
The game is on – will you succeed before you are busted?
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