

    A Brit, who has to rely on the Polish of others

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    14 pts
    Sex Room
    Sex Room

    Unexpected joy combining sex toys and puzzles

    09.03.20 | дата візиту: 09.03.20

    Sex is a theme I have not seen tackled in Escape Rooms often, and I must say it was done incredibly well. It didn't feel silly, or overly cliche, which it would have been easy to do with a sexual theme. Thematically it was immersive, which included the smell according to my partner. The interior did't feel tacky or cheap, as it would have been easy to do. This all said, the tone wasn't so serious that I wasn't able to enjoy some light-hearted moments with my partner, and we both made some jokes, innuendo and such!

    The quality of the English version was superb, and the strong narrative throughout the game was not lost in translation at all. Our Games Master, Tomek, was also very capable of giving clues in both languages, which is a touch I did not expect and thoroughly appreciate. Some of the solutions, props, and puzzles were very novel, and I have not seen anything remotely similar in the UK or in Poland, in 10 or so games. A fantastic room, and one I would definitely recommend!
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 9/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Середній

    Dom Mordercy Remastered
    Dom Mordercy Remastered

    So good it will make you swear - involuntarily and at the top of your lungs

    09.03.20 | дата візиту: 09.03.20

    First off, I must warn people that this room is not for those who are easily scared. At certain points I was asking my partner to put the finishing touch on the puzzle / undo the lock out of pure fear of what may possibly have been on the other side. I say certain points... It may actually have been all of them!

    Thematically, this room was intense, unrelenting, and brilliant. The plot was so immersive, and the interior was superb. The props all worked with the theme, and there was little to no distinction in quality between used and unused props needed to complete the puzzles. It is worth noting that English is my first, and currently only, language, and the English version of the room was seamless - there was nothing that only worked in Polish, and nothing that I could easily see had been forcibly altered to accommodate my lack of Polish language.

    Finally, I would like to apologise to any and all personnel trying to be productive at work whilst I was in this escape room... At one stage of this room I swore, at pretty much the top of my lungs!
    Нещодавно відвідані кімнати:

    Загальний рейтинг: 10/10

    Обслуговування клієнтів: 10/10

    Інтер'єр: 10/10

    Складність: Середній

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