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Часовий пояс:
A unique and special take on the concept of an escape room with a charming 70's style interior. An hour filled with tricky challenges and clever electronic p... [більше].
час роботи.хв
Немає відгуків
A unique and special take on the concept of an escape room with a charming 70's style interior. An hour filled with tricky challenges and clever electronic puzzles. The goal: to solve all puzzles in one hour and disarm a nuclear bomb. Everything because of one small but historical mistake. About fifty years ago, a secret spy drama between Sweden and Soviet took place in Malmö, and when the masked agent family was busted and fled back home to Moscow, their caravan and bomb was left in town. Today, the story of the 50-year-old drama is long forgotten and prescribed, but somehow everything is not peace and joy. The antiquated bomb has somehow started to count down, and since all evidence is gone you gotta take things in your own hands, break into the old caravan and disarm the bomb.
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від 13 років
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Повний контакт з гейм майстром
Двері завжди відкриті
В наявності антибактеріальний гель
продезінфіковані приміщення
Обмежений контакт з іншими групами
Veberödsgatan 6, 212 28 Malmö
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