Всі квести
Що таке квест-кімната?
Подарункові сертифікати
Чемпіон з екстреної допомоги
Часовий пояс:
Your boss, shoe manufacturer Fagerlind, is a greedy devil. Throughout the war, you have been forced to work for half, or sometimes no, pay at all. He talks a... [більше].
час роботи.хв
5 відгуків
Швеція: n-те місце
Еребру: n-те місце
Your boss, shoe manufacturer Fagerlind, is a greedy devil.
Throughout the war, you have been forced to work for half, or sometimes no, pay at all. He talks a lot about everyone having to do their bit during hard times, but you know that at the same time he makes a lot of money supplying shoes to the army. The atmosphere among you and the other workers is really bad, now that will be enough.
You've heard from the cleaners that the factory owner must have a safe full of money and now that he's just left for his hour-long lunch, it's time to strike! You head into the Office to find the safe and escape with the money!
Recommended number of people: 4-5 for beginners, 3-4 for experienced players.
The office is playable for 2 to 6 people.
The office opened in June 2017.
дружній до сімей з дітьми
він грає без актора
від 18 років
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Повний контакт з гейм майстром
Двері завжди відкриті
В наявності антибактеріальний гель
В наявності рукавички
Обмежений контакт з іншими групами
Детектори диму
Система звукового оповіщення
Kungsgatan 3, 702 11 Örebro
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