Всі квести
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Подарункові сертифікати
Чемпіон з екстреної допомоги
Часовий пояс:
You have infiltrated the hotel as an undercover task force and are tracking the cybercriminal Hans Baumann, codenamed 'Cyrus', who is in possession of the da... [більше].
час роботи.хв
Немає відгуків
You have infiltrated the hotel as an undercover task force and are tracking the cybercriminal Hans Baumann, codenamed 'Cyrus', who is in possession of the dangerous computer virus 'black cyanit'.
Your mission: You have to find out the time and place of the planned handover in order to surprise Cyrus and his buyer with the special unit. With only one hour to spare, you don't have a second to lose.
Your team is equipped with state-of-the-art tactical tablets that have AR functions for sound sensor detection and opening safes.
Gain access to Baumann's room, deactivate the sensor and leave no indication of your presence. Otherwise he will cancel the planned meeting. Your discretion is crucial. We are relying on you. Contact us as soon as you are in the room. Good luck!
Kaninchenborn 31
23560, Lübeck
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